
Monday, October 15, 2012

FLASH!! Special Chance to Attend Live Chat with Victoria Alexander!

Would you love to meet a bestselling romance author?  Here is a chance for some lucky readers to share an online visit with Victoria Alexander to chat about writing, books, characters, the romance genre and more!

Victoria Alexander loves her readers but knows it’s impossible to get out to meet each of them. That’s why this #1 New York Times Bestselling Author is participating in two unique live video virtual events to help celebrate her latest book release: WHAT HAPPENS AT CHRISTMAS.

LIVE CHAT Event dates: 
October 16 and November 6 at 6:00pm PST. 

Here is how we are participating at Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf.
  • There will be a winner for ONE SEAT at the Live event for EACH DATE plus a copy of the book;  
  • THREE additional winners will get copies of the new release.
The live chat events are being hosted by Author Marketing Experts as a Google+ hangout.

1) You must have a Google+ account and be able to participate at 6pm PST on the event night.
Hint: Anyone with Gmail or other Google account is already set up to activate Google+
If you don't already have one you can set up a Google+ account here:

2) To enter for October 16 you will have to act quickly. (I'm sorry I had internet difficulties so I lost the weekend to announce this and had to make a Flash for the first date.)  If you have a Google+ account (or will get one by tomorrow morning), AND you can attend on Tuesday 10/16 at 6pm PST (registering by 5:50pm PST) Please email me at mesreads AT between when this post goes live and 8am Central tomorrow morning (10/16). Put "October 16 Live Event with Victoria" (or similar wording) as the Subject of your email. I will use to pick ONE WINNER from the emails for the "Seat" at the October 16 event.

3) To enter for the "Seat" for the November 6th Event and the additional THREE book copies watch the blog for the Entry Post a little later tonight.

Anyone who doesn't win is encouraged to register and tune in to a live stream of the chat on YouTube and submit questions/comments for Victoria using a special Twitter hash tag.
You can familiarize yourselves with Google Hangouts before hand; it’s very easy - if you can do Skype,  you can do this. More information about Google+ hangouts:


Anyone who doesn't win a “seat” at the live chat is encouraged to participate by registering!

Anyone registered can tune in to a live stream of the chat on YouTube and submit questions/comments for the Victoria using a special Twitter hash tag.

Event registration:

At the time of the event participants should tune in here:

A YouTube account is not needed to view the live stream.

At the time of the event questions/comments can be sent in via Twitter using: #authorslive

A Twitter account is required to send in questions/comments.

To sign up for Twitter:

How to use hash tags:

From AME and myself:
Please don’t hesitate to ask questions, we want the events to be fun and easy for everyone involved. See you there!

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