
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Book Review: Loving Luke by Suzanne Barrett

 A solid, entertaining romance with a tortured hero.
Loving Luke
by Suzanne Barrett

  • File Size: 726 KB
  • Print Length: 250 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1622370112
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press (July 1, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Genre: Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

Book Description
Publication Date: July 1, 2012
Jo McGuigan’s job is on the line. She needs a photographer to teach her rehab class, but the only one available is an angry recluse who wants nothing to do with the hospital or its outreach program.
Luke Falconer’s photo career ends in a fiery auto crash that leaves him badly burned and crippled. Hating the world, he retreats to his cabin. But when an encounter with the intriguing social worker ends in a night of passion, their lives are changed forever. Jo is a spark to Luke’s flame, and where there’s smoke, there is often a raging inferno.

Jo is a maverick in her family. Her socially minded mother and sister frown on Jo’s choice of career as a social worker. They frown on her disregard for fashion and her lack of a suitable mate.  But Jo sticks with her independent nature and loves her job.

Jo’s soft heart has gotten her transferred to a trial position as director of a rehab class for the disabled patients.  Jo decides that a photography program would be something worthwhile for these rehab students struggling to find new meaning in their lives. The problem is the local photography expert, Luke Falconer, has retreated from the world.

Luke was a renowned mountain climbing photojournalist until a fiery car accident took the life of his pregnant wife and left him with more than just severe skin scars.  Luke blames himself for the accident and questions whether he can find a suitable replacement for his athletic career.  He has retreated to his secluded cabin.  He has also retreated emotionally to protect himself because he feels he failed in his marriage. Although he is beginning to find enthusiasm for his wild bird photography he has little interest in engaging with humans.

Jo and Luke meet when stuck in an elevator at the burn center. He is standoffish and rude even as he feels a pull toward the feisty young woman.  After Luke fails to return several phone calls Jo seeks out the lion in his den to ask him to work with her program.  He is still hostile but when a storm strands Jo at the cabin passion flairs between them.  The heat of their night together turns into a cold morning when Luke rejects his feelings and pushes Jo away.

Jo continues to struggle trying to teach the photography class herself. When Luke runs into her a few months later he realizes that other problems have developed from their reckless encounter.  Luke proposes a solution but can Jo trust Luke to provide all the support a family will need or is she facing the risk of greater heartache?  The passion between them is combustible but the communication is a bust. Can Luke rise above his past pain to create a life with Jo before he loses the opportunity?

Once again Suzanne Barrett has created a romance with real, vibrant characters and realistic conflict. Luke is a wonderfully tortured soul who needs a lot of patience. His gentle caring is beautiful even as his silence is frustrating. Jo is a nurturer with her own vulnerabilities.  The chemistry between the two sizzles as they try to come to terms with their preconceptions and misunderstandings. The story includes beautiful scenery and a few surprises.

I love that each of Suzanne’s books have unique characters and plots. They are reliably engaging with conflict and sensual romance. If you love sensual romance you need to try one of Suzanne's lovely stories.
Luke feels but doesn't express his loneliness:
Lonely? She didn't know the meaning of the word. His loneliness wasn't something you talked about. It was a gut-wrenching emptiness that ate at him like a cancer. Location 680.
And Luke fears his emotions:
But they'd argued, and he'd retreated. It was what he always did when he felt control of a situation slipping away from him.  Location 3956.
I received this ebook from the Author for an honest review.  See Author Guest Post for Giveaway of earrings and ebook.
This story is set in Muir Woods, California for my Where Are You Reading Challenge.


  1. Very nice review, especially about the characters.

  2. Thank you. Luke and Jo were dear to my heart so writing their story was meaningful.


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