
Friday, August 10, 2012

Book Review with Kindle Giveaway Link: Bloodline (The Samsara Chronicles Book 10)

Watch out for dark, slimy creatures, human-type and beastly-type, in this book.

by Diana Kemp and Gabriella Bradley 

  • File Size: 128 KB
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: eXtasy Books (May 25, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0086FQP6Y
Genre: Science Fiction
My Rating: 4.0 of 5.0

Book Description
Publication Date: May 25, 2012
Intrigue and betrayal plague both Nirvana and Klatria, prompting Aislinn to call a tribunal of all Nirvanan nations to address the crisis.

While Vark, Soulmaster and corrupt ruler of Klatria, plots with the Nirvanan traitor to acquire the skull and kill the royals, insurrection grows from within the ranks of his own people. His intention to use Aislinn’s parents as pawns to lure Aislinn to Klatria conceals his true intentions to destroy them all.

This installment of this engaging science fiction series shows us the darkness of Aislinn’s enemies.  Shakan is disdainful of the ‘good’ royal family and their limiting ways. Although he hides his dark persona in the public halls of Nirvana, on his own he revels in his rebellion and hatred for the royal family.  He plans his conspiracy with the Klatrian leader, Vark, and the attack on Aislinn and her family. He will seek out Aislinn’s sister, Princess Nashira as his bride, even if he must force her as he destroys her family.

Shakan is not alone in is hatred and planning. He has visions of his ancient ancestor, Janvhar, locked in a cell by Her Royal Highness, Alaya. Shakan wrestles the icon from Janvhar’s cell so that he can release the long buried evil that will help him terrorize the royal family.

Meanwhile, on the foreign planet of Klatria, Vark, the cruel, barbaric leader, contemplates the stubbornness of his royal hostages who refuse to eat the meat offered to them.  He barely cares for their condition except that he is reminded by Rodorus that they are to be bartered for the skull promised to Vark by Shakan. Vark doesn’t realize that Shakan plans to retain the power of the skull for himself.

There is a group of leaders who object to Vark’s dark leadership. Anelda and Rodorus plan to sneak into the presence of Aislinn’s royal parents to ask them to help the plight of the remaining good Klatrians before their whole people is destroyed.

I was engaged by this alien world of fearsome creatures sharing the caverns with the disheartened people. The authors have created a terrible, dark and gruesome world where the society is dying because the infants cannot survive.  I felt empathy for the suffering and desperation of the good Klatrians. The authors have also made very dark and evil characters in Janvhar, Shakan and Vark. Just the type of villains you like to hate. 

This book ends with Aislinn and Dylan breaking free from an attack by Janvhar who tries to suck them into the overlap of time.  Aislinn is able to escape with the power of the skull.  Now they must return home to battle Shakan and figure out how to save her parents from the clutches of Vark. To be continued in Book 11, The Entity.
Aislinn’s destiny:
Your bloodline until now has used the powers, but only you can become one with them. Events have come to a full circle and await completion. Location 616.
Thank you to the authors for providing this book for review as part of a Pump Up Your Book Tour event with Kindle Giveaway link.


Pump Up Your Book and The Samsara Chronicles are teaming up to give you a chance to win a Kindle Fire!

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Here’s how it works:

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This Kindle Fire promotion will run from June 1 – August 31. Winner will be chosen randomly by Rafflecopter, contacted by email and announced on September 1, 2012.
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