
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Book Review and Kindle Giveaway Link: Kindred (The Samsara Chronicles Book 12)

I am still enjoying this series but this one has an abrupt break that left me flat. At least I have  book 13 to read for next week.
by Diana Kemp and Gabriella Bradley 
  • File Size: 147 KB
  • Print Length: 65 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: eXtasy Books (May 25, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0086FQP2I
Genre: Science Fiction
My Rating: 3.75

Book Description
Publication Date: May 25, 2012
After Aislinn and Dylan witness Shakan’s confession regarding the abduction of the royals, he is sentenced to banishment in the Overlap.

Shakan’s sentencing to the Overlap for his betrayal of the royals and his collaboration with the Klatrians leads Aislinn and Dylan to finalize their plans to rescue her parents before the Fortieth Tribunal. In the meantime, the Klatrian resistance make their own plans in response to Aislinn and Dylan’s arrival.

This book in the series starts with Aislinn using the communicator eye to speak with Vark. They begin negotiations to release Aislinn’s parents, Samara and Bonerus, in exchange for the skull. Vark is darkly twisted but has flashes of a prior time when he wasn’t so consumed.  There is a wonderful scene of interaction between the Royal parents as they meet with Rodorus and he explains more about the rebellion cause.

The authors then introduce Kinestra of another Nivana province.  Altithronus will move on to be with the Antiquitas and Kinestra will become a new support for Aislinn.  The Tribunal meets to sentence Shakan and begin the ceremony of banishing him to the Overlap, the place of temporal displacement. There is a battle against the dark force at the Overlap that Aislinn has to resolve.

There is a nice thread of continuity in circumstances of the last ceremonial banishment and the current ceremony. I was enjoying the process of the story and anticipating how the banishment would unfold when this episode abruptly ended. It felt like an inappropriate break point to me and left me disappointed.

An interesting quote:
Is this how it feels to stand at the pinnacle and gaze down on the world?
She wondered. No wonder so many had abused it before.  Location 668.

Thank you to the authors for providing this book for review as part of a Pump Up Your Book Tour event with Kindle Giveaway link.


Pump Up Your Book and The Samsara Chronicles are teaming up to give you a chance to win a Kindle Fire!

Kindle Fire

Here’s how it works:

Each person will enter this giveaway by liking, following, subscribing and tweeting about this giveaway through the Rafflecopter form placed on blogs throughout the tour.  If your blog isn’t set up to accept the form, we offer another way for you to participate by having people comment on your blog then directing them to where they can fill out the form to gain more entries.
This Kindle Fire promotion will run from June 1 – August 31. Winner will be chosen randomly by Rafflecopter, contacted by email and announced on September 1, 2012.
Each blogger who participates in The Samsara Chronicles virtual book tour is eligible to enter and win.
Visit each blog stop below to gain more entries as the Rafflecopter widget will be placed on each blog for the duration of the tour.
If you would like to participate, email Dorothy at thewriterslife(at) Last day to sign up is July 27. What a great way to not only win this fabulous prize, but to gain followers and comments too! Good luck everyone!

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One lucky person who comments the most on The Samsara Chronicles’ blog stops will receive a $50 gift certificate. The blog host who receives the most comments through the tour will also receive a $50 gift certificate!

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