
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Words of Encouragement July 15, 2012

We had a guest preacher this morning with a great message. He raised the question: What does it mean to be a "true worshiper"? John 4:23–24
Some of the definitions for worship are:
      to prostrate oneself, bow down, do homage, humble, obseqience. 
      Middle English worshipe: worthiness, respect, reverence paid to a divine being.

Worship has to be more than just feelings. There are two things involved in true worship: emotions and intellect. Did you know that two weeks of protocol training are required to have an audience with the Queen of England?  What protocol do we use when we come before the KING of KINGS?

Through Jesus we can approach the throne...without song or fellowship. The Bible tells us to come before Him with thanksgiving and praise! We need to develop and exercise those attitudes daily. Then action helps bring us into His presence... into the inner court.  Sharing in activity is part of worship. Worship is not complete until we have given something to Him. Have you given your heart? You're desires? Do you humble yourself and allow His will to be superior? Perhaps we should think about our attitudes.
This was a new song this morning and it fits well with the message.
A Verse for Today:
Psalm 95:2
2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.

I am thankful for this good message. I pray that the Spirit will help me start each morning by being thankful and praising.

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