
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sharing Beyond Books #59 July 28, 2012

Welcome to another SBB!

Another busy week for me and I am working hard to get things caught up. I have been reading some good suspense this week.
Thank you to all who shared last week.

There are several people who don't drink while reading so they don't risk spills. For others the drinks range from coffee, tea, water and sodas... even an occasional glass of wine. I think I would fall asleep if I tried to drink wine when I read. Llehn had the most different drink a banana mocha shake - which almost sounds decadent. :-)  Maria admits to reading through meals, when alone. I do that too, especially at lunchtime when I eat at my desk with the Kindle going.

Snack choices are for the most part not healthy things like: chocolate, cookies, chips, popcorn. Marianne had the more healthy choice with nuts or craisins; and Lissette eats fruit. Carol L eats trail mix as a second choice after chocolate licorice! Really?? I love chocolate and I love licorice ... but not together. LOL


The Winner from SBB #58 comments is: #11 Di  There are still 6 'love' books to pick from and 2 Christmas choices. Di please choose a book (or GC if international) from the remaining Love Books List for Giveaway, remaining Christmas Giveaway Books, OR pick from the Updated ARC/Review List and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #59 Questions

Q1. Abby asks: Have you ever watched a movie because it won an award? Which movie was it? Did you actually like it??
A: I had to think about this. Well, actually I had to look up a list of award winning movies to remember. One movie was A Beautiful Mind. And yes I liked it although it isn't one I would watch over and over - rather sad.
 Image found at Wikipedia
Q2. My question: To go with Abby's - Have you ever read a book because it won an award? Which book? Did you like it ??
A:  I again went the lists: Hugo Awards (sci fi) and Pulitzer Prize. I had picked up two books at Audible for their ratings and award The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman (Hugo 2009) which I just read this month and rated it a 5.0.
The Road by Cormac McCarthy (Pulitzer Prize 2007) I listened to in 2008 and rated it a 5.0 at Audible.  This book started me reading more post-apocalyptic stories.
 Image found at Audible

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask.  Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I will draw from the suggestions I used the month before and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions but some of you others might want to get in a question or two as we have a few people submitting most of the questions so far.  Either way - it works for me. :-)  The question list is being replenished!  Thanks for sending in questions!   July questions were offered by: Krystal, Mary P, Faith Hope and CherryTea and Abby. picked #4 -- Abby gets a book pick.

Your turn to share:

1. Abby asks: Have you ever watched a movie because it won an award? Which movie was it? Did you actually like it??
2. My question: Have you ever read a book because it won an award? Which book? Did you like it ??

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the remaining  Valentine and "Love" books or the remaining Christmas Giveaway Books - there are still about 8 books available to choose from. Also I have added the Updated ARC/Review List now.

SBB Rules: 

a) Must be a follower; 
b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, August 3, 2012 at 10 PM central.


  1. 1. I don't think I did, I must confess. Usually movies receiving awards make me feel like they must be awfully boring. Yet I'm fairly sure I've watched a couple of award winning movies, it's just that I usually ignore this tiny little fact about awards and just go and see movies that sound as if I might enjoy them. Remember "Little Miss Sunshine"? I watched it long before it received awards and loved it :-)!

    2. Same as with movies. I've never read a book solely based on it having received an award. The bigger the hype the more reluctant I usually am about reading such books. I'm a bit weird, I know!

  2. Congrats winners. The licorice I eat is brown and though it isn't called chocolate it has the subtle taste of chocolate. :)

    When I was younger my Mom and Dad always talked about one of the best movies around "It's A Wonderful Life" and one night in my teens I sat and watched it with them and it was a glorious and wonderful movie. I treasure those memories because both my parents have passed on. But I truly enjoyed the movie.

    I've read To Kill A Mockingbird and LOVED it. I also read The Road at my daughters suggestion. It was okay. Maybe I wasn't in the mood for it at the time. :)GFC name is Lucky47

    Carol L.
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  3. I have the same answer for both: NO!! I don't base my viewing or reading on awards at all. I read reviews & take note of genre etc & then make an informed decision.

  4. 1 & 2. Awards do not impress me, so I have never chosen either a book or a movie based on an award.

  5. Yes, I have. A friend told me that Braveheart had won an award and that it was a great movie. So, I watched it and I really liked it, and the soundtrack it's fantastic!
    About a book.. Hmm I haven't read a book because it won an award, but I checked out Hugo Award's list and I found out that HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban and HP and The Goblet of Fire had both won an award in 2000 and 2001. From Pulitzer, I haven't read any of them. But I want to read Gone with the wind, hopefully, this year :)

  6. I'd have to say not really to both questions. I'm not really impressed by awards. I just watch/read what interests me.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  7. I have to say no to both, unfortunately. I never pay attention to awards

  8. No to both. I always just read or watch what sounds good to me. Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. 1. Yes. I rented Crash after it won Best Picture. I did like the movie.
    2. No.

  10. No to both. My taste & preferences are quite specific & go with what I like rather than if the movie/book had won awards.

  11. I actually tend to be more leary of books or movies that win awards - they tend to be either to sad or weird or just not entertaining. I like to get an idea of what regular people think about them.

  12. 1. & 2. I can't remember watching a movie or book based on winning an award, but sometimes I'll watch a movie or read a book, if it's something that's been recommended repeatedly. :)

  13. 1 and 2- no i have never selected any movie or book because it won some award instead i choose based on the stories it happens with me many times that i liked something and others don't so mostly go for my choice or my friends recommendations :)

  14. No to both questions - typically the award winners are not anything I would enjoy in either movies or books
    msboatgal at

  15. 1.Out of Africa I loved both the book and movie.

    2. no i don't actually pay attention to award winners.


  16. 1. Slumdog Millionaire. I didn't think I would be interested in it, but after it won the Oscar I decided to see it. I enjoyed it a lot.

    2. Since I read a lot of romances, I pay attention to which books win the RITA awards. I have picked up quite a few RITA winners, and I have never been disappointed.

    castings at mindspring dot com

  17. No can't say I've done either. I may watch a movie and remember that it won an award but I don't watch them specifically for that reason and vice versa.

    GFC: Maria pronounced Mariah

  18. 1. Slumdog Millionaire and Gone with the Wind for me amongst loads of others. They were ok. GwtW was really oldish for me but I guess since it is, it was pretty good for it's time.

    2. Nope. So far the award winners have been the types of books I am not really into which is a shame. I don't mind reading them, I just have SO many other great books to read before I even think about the award winners.

    Thanks for the book pick Martha!

  19. It's a no for both questions for me also. Don't think I've every really watched a movie or read a book just because it won an award since I usually watch or read something that interests me.


Your comments are always appreciated!