
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Book Review and ARC Giveaway: The Most Improper Miss Sophie Valentine

I thoroughly enjoyed the wit and light-hearted style of this writing.

Jayne Fresina
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca (June 5, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1402265972
ISBN-13: 978-1402265976

Genre: Historical Romance
My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

Book Description
Publication Date: June 5, 2012
"A scintillating addictive as chocolate."—Mia Marlowe, author of Touch of a Rogue
"Wanted: one husband, not too particular. Small dowry, several books, sundry furnishings, and elderly aunt included. Idlers, time-wasters, and gentleman without other attachments need not apply."—Miss Sophie Valentine

Sophie Valentine knew placing an ad for a husband in the Farmers Gazette would bring her trouble-and she was right. When the darkly handsome, arrogantly charming Lazarus Kane shows up on her doorstep, the nosy residents of Sydney Dovedale are thrown into a gossiping tizzy. After all, it's common knowledge that Sophie is a young lady In Need of Firmer Direction. But even Sophie isn't so scandalous as to marry a complete stranger. .. is she?

Lazarus Kane has been searching for Sophie half of his life. She may not remember him, but he could never forget her. But the past is a dangerous thing, and it's best if his remains secret if he wants to tempt Sophie with ...


Sophie Valentine’s introduction to intimacy at age 18 lasted two and half minutes. Unfortunately the resulting ruining scandal and related scars are still with her ten years later. Her young beau, a childhood friend with status and expectancies, had offered marriage but Sophie wanted more than what she perceived as a convenient marriage where it was likely he would seek pleasures on the side.

At age 28, Sophie lives with her brother and sister-in-law who are ready for her to marry and move out. Her brother has managed to run up debts from gambling and indulging his indolent, demanding wife. The wife is constantly whining and haranguing Sophie. Sophie is still impetuous and in a moment of angry exasperation she has created trouble again by placing an ad for a husband in the Farmers Gazette.

Surprisingly the ad brings in two gentlemen seeking to marry her. One is a dark handsome stranger, Lazarus Kane. The other is Sophie’s childhood beau who has believed himself to be enamored of her and hopes that finally she will accept him, even if he has to “buy” her through her brother.

Lazarus has cleaned himself up to present himself as an acceptable and determined suitor. He is not a gentleman of means but he has rented a cottage farm that holds a fond place in Sophie’s heart. He is willing to work hard to convince her that she is his angel and that time is too precious to waste. He just isn’t willing to admit his past right away or the secret that he has been looking for her for half his life.

Jayne Fresina writes a story with wonderful wit, charm and vibrant descriptions that I loved!  See some of the quotes below.)  I really liked the quirky, less than perfect characters, the fun trouble that surrounds Sophie, and Lazarus’ romantic determination to win her. I was totally delighted with the story until about midway when the romance moved into some heavier sexual scenes which repeated more than necessary for my tastes. Again, this is an area that many romance readers will enjoy. I just prefer softer heat or at least fewer scenes as a little heat goes a long way for me. Even with the extra steamy scenes I still really like the writing of this author and will want to try more from her.  If you like fun and really charming historical romance, and don’t mind the heated scenes, I do recommend you get this book to enjoy.


Here are examples of the vibrant  writing style I so enjoyed:
... for everything was turned upside down, and her own nerves spun about like tumbling maple seeds. Page 38/Location 612
The countryside was at peace as it settled in to embrace the evening, like a mother with her arms around a play-weary child. Page 69/ Location 1040
The sun, like a playwright with all the winding threads of his imagination exhauted, put down his quill and dipped his weary head to rest. Lon shadows slowly crept across the ground, the bronzed fingers of sunset stretching to eas the cramp of a long day's writing. Page 79/Location 1233.
But she saw the gleam in his eyes, and Sophie knew how it felt to be taken by surprise, kidnapped and held ransom by a sudden sensation, a desire that came unwanted, unbidden. Page 158/Location 2424.

Thank you to Sourcebooks for providing this book to read and review.
I will add this to my ARC and New Author challenge lists.

1. Visit the author's website and tell me something you find of interest. This is required for entry.

2.  For an extra entry, become a follower on any media (GFC, Twitter @MSEREADS, Facebook fanpage: , Goodreads or Linky - links on right sidebar) or tell me if you are already a follower.

It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.
(Two total entries possible.)

* This contest is only open to residents of US and Canada.
* This contest will close 10 PM (Central) on July 13, 2012.
The winner will be randomly selected from all entries.
Winners will have 72 hours to respond by email or the winners form linked in the announcement.


  1. +1 I found the fact that she was born in England was very interesting. I would have loved to been born in some other country.

    +1 I'm already a GFC follower-danni0113


  2. Thank you for the lovely review. Really glad you enjoyed Sophie and Lazatus! :)

  3. I learned that she grew up in England and had 4 sisters. GFC name is Lucky47. I have this on my TRL. Thanks for the opportunity. Happy 4th everyone.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  4. Jayne Fresina grew up surrounded by 3 opinionated sisters.

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com
    GFC: BookAttict (Old follower)

  5. I love the arrangement of books the author has on her first page. edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom subscribed
    GFC Krystal Larson

  6. I think it's interesting that her menu options are quirks, quills, and quippery.

    I follow via email.


  7. She also wrote a book called Enraptured

    email subscriber

    dlatany at gmail dot com

  8. I like that she is the youngest of 4 very opinionated sisters! It is good to be the gives you spirit!

    GFC: Maria pronounced Mariah

    Thanks so much!
    mmafsmith at gmail dot com

  9. The author thinks her sisters lead more exciting lives than she does.
    gfc - mamabunny13
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  10. That she always loved to tell stories, she was born to write. DebP

  11. GFC: r.d1
    Twitter: RenaldDeb
    Facebook: Deb Pelletier


Your comments are always appreciated!