
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Book Review: Eos (The Samsara Chronicles Book 1)

This novella introduces a science fiction good v evil series.

by Diana Kemp and Gabriella Bradley 
  • File Size: 130 KB
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: eXtasy Books (May 25, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0086FP934
Genre: Science Fiction
My Rating: 4.0 of 5.0

Product Description
Blending elements of futuristic, fantasy, science fiction and the paranormal, the Samsara Chronicles explores the duality of good and evil set against two worlds, Earth and Nirvana.

Guided by mystical beings, a human mother bears a daughter of alien royalty, Aislinn, destined to champion the future of two worlds.

This is a short novella and I will be reading and reviewing all 14 books in the series over the next 12 or so weeks. In the first book, we meet Sienna and Blake, a loving couple in their early 40s. They live on a 10 acre farm and although they had always longed for children they were never able to have any naturally or through assisted efforts.   They are not young lovers, but they are still enamored and the story begins with a sensual dream that results in warm lovemaking that is private and not described. There are several sensual encounters that are tastefully presented. They may seem prominent because this book is so short, but the story goes beyond the lovemaking.

The initial encounter is to set the story for the series as the activity results in an unexpected pregnancy. Harmonious voices and lights appear to Sienna as the Antiquitas, the ancient keepers of knowledge. They let her know that her daughter, Aislinn, is a chosen child to save the world in the future.

The writing has an easy flow and I enjoyed the descriptions and the anticipation set up by this story. The characters are nice although not deeply developed. After the birth of the baby the book shifts 26 years to the future where the world has been devastated by World War three. Another child, Angelica, is introduced as a ‘sister’ preparing to meet Aislinn.

This is an interesting set up, to have this many novellas set out separately. This first book is only 50 pages. It is engaging and I am interested in where the story will go. There are some scenes that are not pursued, like the sighting of a white wolf, and it will be interesting to see if this is picked up in future books. Also there are some typos and at least one scene that didn’t seem consistent in action. These are probably more noticeable because of the brevity of the book.

Pleasant description:
Stately evergreens flanked the driveway, their feathery branches already laden with a veil of white. Location 160.
Above the cries of the wounded and dying, a tolling bell solemnly lamented man’s legacy–now crushed and broken between the dust and rubble that had become the domain of vermin. Location 520.

I received this from the Author for review as part of Pump Up Your Book Tour.
I will add this to my ARC and New Author Challenge lists.

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