
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sharing Beyond Books #50 Comment Giveaway May 26, 2012

Welcome to SBB! It is so hard to realize that we are almost through five months of 2012 already.

Thank you to all those who commented last week.

Most of us are forgiving of minor errors in historical fiction but we don't want blatant errors and we are annoyed if we know there is an error. Also, we do want the story consistent to the era  :-)

I was pleasantly surprised that we all like vegetables! Asparagus is a favorite to 4 people and it would be my second fav too. Sarah's favorite is fiddleheads which I had to look up - it is a type of fern. I love learning new things! Abby didn't like brinjal which I also had to look up -  it is eggplant.

The Winner from SBB #49 comments is: #9 Marianne. There are still 7 'love' books to pick from and 2 Christmas choices. Marianne please choose a book (or GC if international) from the remaining Love Books List for Giveaway, remaining Christmas Giveaway Books, OR pick from the ARC box and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #50 Questions

Q1.  Abby asks: Have you read any Asian books (Asian-influenced, Asian authored, about Asia)??
A:  I looked up Asia to learn that it includes 48 countries. I didn't realize that. The only book that I thought of by an Asian author or about Asia that I have read is a book I got at a book signing at a favorite bookstore in Jupiter.  The Purple Storm by Nicholas Tu which is the remarkable true story of a man who struggled for 15 years to escape from Vietnam.

Q2. My question this week:  How did you celebrate your graduation??
A: This seemed like a timely question. My mother took my sister and me on a Nassau cruise when we graduated from High School. My father took me on a trip when I graduated college. We went to the Super Bowl in LA and then went out to Hawaii to visit my sister who lived there at the time. When I graduated from law school I have to admit that I partied with a friend drinking Tequila. Oh that wild college past - I don't do that anymore. :-)

Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask.  Input suggestions in this Suggested Question Form. At the end of each month I will draw from the suggestions I used the month before and that person will get a book choice or GC. I thank everyone for submitting questions but some of you others might want to get in a question or two as we have a few people submitting most of the questions so far.  Either way - it works for me. :-)  The question list is being replenished!  Thanks for sending in questions! 

Your turn to share:

1. Abby asks: Have you read any Asian books (Asian-influenced, Asian authored, about Asia)??

2. My question: How did you celebrate your graduation??
SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the remaining  Valentine and "Love" books or the remaining Christmas Giveaway Books - there are still about 9 books available to choose from. Also I have added the Review and ARC Box now.

SBB Rules: a) Must be a follower; 
b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, June 1, 2012 at 10 PM central.


  1. 1) Being Asian I read Asian authors very, very often. Thrity Unrigar is I think my favourite but there are so many around who are wonderful writers.

    2) Very low key.

  2. 1) Good question. Apart from books for my studies (I was a minor in Cultural Anthropology) I don't think I ever read any fiction books from that region.

    2) I didn't. Oh wait, I got my hair cut short. This happened to be a very bad idea (don't ask), but makes the whole thing rather memorable after all.

  3. 1. I've read some asian authors and asian influenced books when I was younger since my older sister owned a whole bunch and I needed to read something for book reports. I hate to admit that the only reason I got into Asian related books is because of watching Joy Luck Club and Memoirs of a Geisha.

    2. I celebrated my graduation with my immediate and extended family. We ended up going to a dim sum restaurant for lunch since I hadn't had it in awhile. Afterwards I went out and bought a few bottles of sparkling cider and some alcoholic drinks to prepare for the holidays since I graduated in December. Oh, I almost forgot, I also went to Disneyland later in the week. It was amazing since the holiday decorations were out.

  4. Congrats to the winner.
    All of Sherry Thomas's books
    Jade Lee books
    Memoirs of a Geisha.
    Happy Memorial Day everyone.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  5. ooops, forgot to answer 2nd question. :)
    With a small party for family and friends.
    GFC name is Lucky47.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  6. 1. One of the best books I've ever read is "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck. I highly recommend it to anyone that has not had the opportunity to read it.

    2. Sadly, I never graduated high school so there was no celebration but I did go a fews years later and get my GED.

    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  7. 1. Yes, my fav is Daughter of the Empire by Janny Wurts, the 1st in a fantasy trilogy which has an Asian flavor to it.
    2. I studied in NZ. When I graduated my family came over & we sent for a short tour of the country. It was wonderful!

  8. 1. I read MY FAIR CONCUBINE by Jeannie Lin not too long ago. I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I couldn't say I read a lot of Asian stories or authors. I don't avoid them, but then again I don't seek them out.

    2. I had two, what I would call graduations. The first was High School & I celebrated, I guess, by leaving home. The second was when I completed my nursing studies. I celebrated by getting a job in a great hospital. No party type celebrations, just moving on to the next phase of my life.

  9. 1. I read manga and manhwa constantly, so I know that counts as Asian. I have read some Japanese mysteries, but the pacing is a little different and I am still not sure what I think of them. I also really love historical fiction set in Asia.

    2. I remember a party for my high school graduation and a smaller one for my college graduation. As my parents had moved out of town by the time I graduated from grad school, I didn't even walk for that one.

  10. 1. I can't remember reading any Asian authors recently

    2. My senior year my famiy went to Hawaii for 18 days to all 4 islands - wonderful trip and memories
    msboatgal at

  11. 1) There are so many great Asian authors, I have probably only read about 60 or so of them at this time though!
    2) I didn't really celebrate so much, it's expected of me to graduate and do well.

  12. i have been reading a few asian novels or by Asian authors, but not many are in my preferred genre that i see. My grad was not really acknowledged. How do i send you my address for the book or gc?

    1. Hi Marianne - click on the "WINNER FORM" link right above the Sharing Beyond Books picture. That takes you to the spreadsheet.

  13. I've only read Jeanne Lin's "Butterfly Swords." We didn't do anything special for my graduation, just dinner.

  14. 1. A few years back I read Adeline Yen Mah's Falling Leaves. Totally beautiful.

    2. No celebration. Just relieved to be done :D

  15. Q1

    Q1 Have you read any Asian books (Asian-influenced, Asian authored, about Asia??
    Yes, recently read and loved "Friendship Bread" by Darien Gee

    Q2 How did you celebrate your graduation??
    the activities typical to the era..
    decorating the car - a little MGB convertible we decorated as a bumble bee :)
    fancy dress for the big dress up dinner - mine was the dress i'd worn as a wedding candle-lighter for a cousin - really pretty..
    mmm memory lane here Martha!

  16. 1. yes
    2. a party


  17. Thanks for using my question Martha!

    1. I have! Memoirs of A Geisha, and very recently, Empress Orchid by Anchee Min! Loved it and am currently writing my review.

    2. Went for dinner first then got some presents....stuff I wanted like books!


Your comments are always appreciated!