
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Monday Mailbox May 14, 2012

Welcome to Mailbox Monday which I am hosting for May 2012.
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs.  This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) but is now hosted at Mailbox Monday and through various blog hosts.
Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists. 

How is your book garden blooming?

I have some more books from the past few weeks:
NetGalley Books recently picked for Review:

1. Get Fluffy by Sparkle Abby
(Released in March)
to be read in June

 2. Deadly Dance by Dee Davis
(Released in April) A-Tac #5;
to be read in June

3. Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
(Releases in Kindle on May 15)
to be read late May/early June.

Surprise in the Mail box this week:
As far as I can tell (not being in the office when these came in) these are gifts from Harlequin Tell.

The Proposal & Solid Soul by Brenda Jackson

                                           In the Doctor's Bed (Kimani Romance)
by Brenda Jackson

Books picked up as a result of Envy:
Based upon Jess Resides Here MM last week:
I jumped over to get Shards of the Glass Slipper at that great price of zero

So, Please share: what's in Your Mailbox?


  1. As usual you have a full house! enjoy the reads.

  2. Very nice eclectic set of books! I love surprises in the mail,and I can't wait to read Code Name Verity. Enjoy all your new reads!

  3. Hi Martha,

    A great haul again this week and from a good mix of genres.

    The only one that probably wouldn't interest me too much, would be 'Shards Of The Glas Slipper', but apart from that one I can already hear my TBR pile groaning.

    Thanks for hosting and have a good week.


  4. Nice week and yay I'm glad my freebie sighting was of interest. My publisher friends at Seventh Star Press will have a great book called Angelkiller free on Tuesday if that's of interest to you :) Code Name Verity must read!

  5. Thank you for hosting this month. Nice mailbox!!

  6. Great mailbox! Mine is at:

  7. Wow, lots of goodies for you this week. Power outages are so frustrating! Arrggh.

  8. Enjoy your books! You have a nice selection.....

  9. Enjoy your new books, Martha! Thank you for hosting Mailbox Monday this month!

  10. Awesome books. I hope you enjoy them. They all look great. Come visit me as well.


  11. Code name Verity looks interesting. Thanks for hosting.

  12. I just ordered Code Name Verity. Enjoy your new books!

  13. The cover for In the Doctor's Bed totally makes me want to be there :) Hope it's a good one!

  14. You received some good ones again this week. Hope you enjoy them! Have a great week!


Your comments are always appreciated!