
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mailbox Monday May 28, 2012

Welcome to Mailbox Monday which I am hosting for May 2012. Thanks everyone for linking and visiting this month - it's been fun to host.
Mailbox Monday is a gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week and explore great book blogs.  This Meme started with Marcia at A Girl and Her Books (fka The Printed Page) but is now hosted at Mailbox Monday and through various blog hosts.

FOR JUNE: the Mailbox Monday Tour host will be Sassy Brit at  []

Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists. 

My book garden is steadily growing! How about yours?

Review Titles

I received one print review book:
The Claimed by Caridad Pineiro
Review and Author Interview for Pump Up Your Book Tours on June 12, 2012. 

Thank you to author Caridad Pineiro.

I received Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione from Hachette.
I will review this in June.


I also received.this print book that I won the "Motherload" at The Mother's Day Book Giveaway hosted by Quickie Book Reviews!!
In Search of Lucy by Lia Fairchild
Thank you Lia!!


I did purchase some Audible titles on sale at the beginning of the week; it is hard for me to resist Audible sales! Plus I had a $10.00 credit. These are the four I picked up this week:

Touch of Power
by Maria V. Snyder... a favorite author.

The Way of Shadows: Night Angel Trilogy, Book 1
by Brent Weeks
I listened to the prequel and wanted to listen to more.

by Taylor Anderson
I already have Book 3 in my Library so I picked up Book 4 on sale. :-)


by Rhys Bowen
This had good ratings and looked like one I would like.

I also picked up too many free Kindle books to list.  Does anyone else have a ridiculously huge Kindle TBR?  I'm hoping to start reading two of these a month to start a small indent.

Your turn! Please share: what's in Your Mailbox?


  1. I've heard lots of good things about the Night Angel Trilogy. Enjoy your new reads!

  2. I love the Royal Spyness books, hope you enjoy the first one.

  3. Replies
    1. Rhys Bowen is the one I would look forward to very much. I have entered my link but it isnot showing up. Should I try again.

  4. I meant to pick up Touch of Power during the sale but I forgot. I just love Maria V. Snyder's books too. You snagged some great audiobooks! Happy reading and listening :)

  5. You've had a fantastic week. Thanks for letting me link up.
    Also The Claimed and Lethal Rider nice covers ;)

  6. I hope you love all of your new books!

  7. Happy Memorial Day!! I also received Lethal Rider. Was wondering, since I never signed up for that one, if you also received it unsolicited? In Search of Lucy looks interesting. I want to thank you for hosting MM, one of my favorite memes, this month. You did a phenomenal job!! Thank you.

  8. Touch of Power is an excellent read! Enjoy reading!

    Visit my mailbox.

  9. Lethal Rider sounds good! I've liked her books that I've read so far. Hope you enjoy those!

  10. Looks like a lot of great books!

    Happy Memorial Day!

  11. The Claimed looks like it will be a great read! And Her Ryal Spyness looks like a lot of fun!

  12. Enjoy your new books, and thanks for hosting this month!

  13. In Search of Lucy looks interesting. i will have to keep an eye out for your thoughts on it.

  14. Happy Memorial Day! Thanks for hosting this month.

  15. I have many free books on both my Kindle and Nook. Way too huge TBRs on both!

  16. I haven't read any of these but they all look like great summer fun! I have too many freebies on Kindle and Nook but they are are too hard to resist. I will never get to them all but that's not a bad problem to have - too many books! :)

    Thanks for hosting and have a happy holiday!

  17. Congrats on your win and it looks like you picked up some great audio books. My audio listening goes down during the summer since I'm not transporting kids to and from school. I just finished a good one the other day, Without Mercy by Lisa Jackson.

    Enjoy your books and have a great week!

  18. I hope you enjoy your books! Thanks so much for hosting Mailbox Monday!


Your comments are always appreciated!