
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Book Review: An Irish Rogue by Suzanne Barrett

What might a charming rogue do to get a green card?
An Irish Rogue
by Suzanne Barrett
  • File Size: 662 KB
  • Print Length: 232 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press (December 27, 2011)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B006QZJ8SS
(Also available in print format)
Genre:  Contemporary Romance
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0

Product Description
Justine Farris would do anything for her dotty old aunt, but marrying Declan Walsh seems just plain crazy. Although the handsome handyman might be sent back to Ireland unless they pretend to tie the knot, how can Justine possibly say “I do” when they can’t agree on anything.

Declan would never have proposed to an independent, unconventional woman like Justine, but this is an emergency. Then, suddenly, he begins to wish that his temporary fiancĂ©e could stay in his arms forever. And where there’s a will, there’s a way…

This is a fun, engaging romance with very likable characters.
Declan is laying low until he can get a new job and renew his visa. He needs to hide from a vindictive ICE (immigration) agent.  Declan’s cousin helps him get a job at an out of the way house doing carpentry renovations. That’s not his field but he figures he can handle it.

Justine lives in the “fixer-upper” property with her eccentric aunt, Laverne,  and her new age, vegan sister, Willow. Justine is the business mind of the family, running her bookstore in town and managing the household. She is practical, down to earth and comfortably looking forward to marrying her teacher boyfriend. At least she was comfortable until her aunt hired this distracting, handsome, Irish rogue to work on the house. Now she can’t seem to stop ogling those flexing muscles while he’s working.

Justine can’t seem to stop herself from comparing the rugged, intense Irishman to her easygoing, poetry reading, sort of average, James. But she and James have many things in common, don’t they?  Irrepressibly she is drawn by the passion she experiences whenever she is near Declan.

Declan is intrigued by Justine but he is woman shy since he was feels he was betrayed by his ex-wife, Maura. He can’t stop thinking about Justine yet he struggles to tell her how he feels. 

When the ICE agent locates Declan the only way to keep him in the States is if he gets a green card through marriage. Justine impulsively tells the agent they are married and they have to begin a pretense for the spying eyes. But when it comes time for the hearing will Justine step away from her well ordered life and risk her heart with Declan? Can Declan respond to Justine’s willingness to love and can he learn to express his feelings in order to keep her by his side?

The writing is smooth making this a quick and easy read. The characters are strong, independent and flawed; very real. The secondary characters are quirky and further the fun elements of the story. The Irish brogue and words adds a flair that I really like.  The chemistry is immediate and visual but the romance builds slowly in a very nice progression of draw and resistance. Once again Ms. Barrett has provided a fine, entertaining romance.

Here are a few quotes showing the reactions of the protagonists when they first meet.
Justine watching Declan:
Something about the set of his shoulders, the easy way he moved, disturbed her. Deep inside a little flutter of unease rippled and then flared to a dazzling warmth. Location 116.
Declan following Justine:
He’d never given much thought to how women walked, but Justine Farris made him take notice. Her stride reminded him of a racehorse, each movement precise, yet fluid. Location 133.
Declan's second thoughts:
He offered her a wicked grin. Discovering the woman behind that cool business facade might prove the most intriguing challenge of all. Location 142.
Thank you Ms. Barrett for providing this book to read and review.
This story is set in California for my Where Are You Reading Challenge. I will also add it to my ARC challenge list.


  1. Thank you, Martha. You really captured the essence of this story.

  2. Sounds like a fun book! I like the nice racehorse metaphor.


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