
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Words of Encouragement January 29, 2012

Our associate Pastor gave another good message this morning entitled Saboteurs. He directed us to 1 Timothy 4:1-10 where Paul is giving instructions. Think of parents who teach and warn children of dangers: 'look both ways, don't get in a car with strangers, don't tell someone at the door or on the phone that your parents aren't home.' Even with these warnings a child might be in danger from loved ones.

Paul was warning Timothy and followers of Christ to beware of deceivers and liars even within the body (the church.)  Some believers fall away and their views become twisted. They may come as sheep in wolves' clothing. They would lead others astray if the people are not discerning.

Paul was preparing the people, preparing the troops (as mentioned in the first message this year).
You have to know the words of faith (Biblical foundations) to know the truth and to be able to recognize a deceiver. 
(This is only part of the message but I will save more for another brief message.)

This song seems to be a good choice as it reminds
us to be careful which voices we listen to.

Verses for Today:
2 Timothy 4:3-4  NIV
 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

Yesterday I had a lunch meeting with some ladies from our women's ministry group.  Our leader encouraged us to be intentional about our faith and to pick 12 women to be praying for this year. As I began to prepare my list last night I of course thought of my family "sisters" first. Then I started thinking about online "friends." So I decided that each week I would pick an online follower to pray for. So, those of you who read these messages, be encouraged as I may be praying for YOU!  If anyone wants extra prayer feel free to email me. I may not be able to help in any other way but I can pray.

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