
Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? January 23, 2012

This meme starts at Book Journey!

What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I completed three (and one midway) books last week and posted four reviews, two with giveaways, and one author guest post.  (I was hoping to post five reviews but didn't get the fifth up so this week will likely see five reviews.)  As always I posted my regular Friday Pick Giveaway, Saturday Sharing Beyond Books and the Sunday post. 

I visited a dozen or so blogs last Sunday and Monday but barely any visits later during the week. *Sigh.*

These were last week's posts plus Winner post not listed.
  • Book Review: The Second Sonata by Nathan Patrick Hardt; Contemporary Fiction; my Rating 4.25. 
  • Book Review and 2 Copy Giveaway: A Cold Creek Secret by RaeAnne Thayne; Contemporary Romance; my Rating 4.25. Ends 1/27.

Finished Reading:
1. Print
by Olivia deBelle Byrd
The review, author guest post
and Giveaway linked above.

2. Print/Kindle

by Linda Wisdom
This was a lot of fun to read. 
I'll post the review and ARC Giveaway this week.
Reviewing for Sourcebooks.

3. Print

by Daniel O'Malley
This was sort of wacky action - I liked it.
I'll be posting the review and ARC Giveaway this week.
Reviewing for Little Brown & Co.

Line Edits/Releases: Nothing new this week.

Currently reading:
1. Kindle

I am halfway through this and it is very engaging! 
I really want to learn how they resolve their conflicts.

Product Description Book One Family Heirloom: Accepting God’s will A Proverbs 31 wife wonders, does “submissive” mean giving up having anything of her own?

Thirty-seven-year-old Tamara Wolfe married her childhood sweetheart, Robert, right out of high school and proceeded to have a passel of children who fill her life to capacity. With the last of her children in preschool, Tamara decides to make a business out of her long-time love of creating designer gift baskets. She doesn’t expect Robert to be against it from her first word.

Robert has always prided himself on giving Tamara the option of staying home to raise the children, just as his father did before him. Since birth, it’s been drilled into him that a man who doesn’t provide for his family is the worst kind of loser. What will happen if her business takes off? She won’t have time to take care of the family. Worse, maybe she won’t need him anymore.

Although they’d agreed years before their family was complete, Robert considers that perhaps the cure for Tamara’s restlessness is another baby.

Tamara prays for wisdom. All she wants is a small space of time for herself. Is she being selfish? Or is God leading her to continue being an outdated model of the Proverbs 31 wife--submissive, but never equal?

2. Audio MP3

by Timothy Woods
This is a twisting conspiracy.
I got stalled as my MP3 player died.
I'll get started again this week 
when a new player arrives.
Reviewing for Crossroad Press through AudioJukebox.
Product Description
Washington, D.C., June 1863. It is the week before Gettysburg, and the nation's fate hangs in the balance.
[... see more at title link.]

I am preparing these two for next week - February 1, 2012 blog tour stop with mini author Q&A.

3. Print/Kindle

Reading for Forever Romance Paranormal Blog Tour 2/1.
Product Description 
Two separate worlds . . .
One passion that binds them

Wild and passionate by nature, Lyra Black is not just any werewolf. She's the future leader of the powerful pack of the Thorn-if she can stay alive long enough to inherit the title.

One of the Cait Sith bloodline of vampire cat-shifters, Jaden Harrison has no interest in the wars plaguing the world of night. But when he rescues Lyra from a violent attack, they're both captured by an insatiable desire that threatens to overwhelm them and bind them together for eternity . . . just as ancient enemies prepare to strike. And when they do, the Thorn and the Cait Sith-and Lyra and Jaden's love-may never recover from the deadly blow . . .

4. Print  

Reading for Forever Romance 
Paranormal Blog Tour 2/1.
Book Description
Series: Darkest London | Publication Date: January 31, 2012
London, 1881
Once the flames are ignited . . .
Miranda Ellis is a woman tormented. Plagued since birth by a strange and powerful gift, she has spent her entire life struggling to control her exceptional abilities. Yet one innocent but irreversible mistake has left her family's fortune decimated and forced her to wed London's most nefarious nobleman.

They will burn for eternity . . .
Lord Benjamin Archer is no ordinary man. Doomed to hide his disfigured face behind masks, Archer knows it's selfish to take Miranda as his bride. Yet he can't help being drawn to the flame-haired beauty whose touch sparks a passion he hasn't felt in a lifetime. When Archer is accused of a series of gruesome murders, he gives in to the beastly nature he has fought so hard to hide from the world. But the curse that haunts him cannot be denied. Now, to save his soul, Miranda will enter a world of dark magic and darker intrigue. For only she can see the man hiding behind the mask.

I am again listening to The Listener's Bible NIV read by Max McLean. 
[Reading until I get a new player.]
Instead of studying with the Tyndall One Year Bible this year I am studying with Through the Bible in One Year by Alan B. Stringfellow. It is a Study that I used for teaching back in around1989 so I will enjoy it again.  I am at Leviticus.

Line Edits: I am continuing to work on Smashword and print releases and making special arrangements for a children's book.

January - I had 16 total for January, plus added Audibles. I will probably start at least one of these this week but the others will slide into February.
I am using NetGalley now so the (NG) means NetGalley.

     The Whisperer by Donato Carrisi

(NG) Theft of Swords (Riyria Revelations) by Michael J. Sullivan

(NG) Exclusively Yours by Shannon Stacey

Shadow Boxing [Family Heirlooms Series Book 2] by Karen Wiesner

[To be posted - I am setting these up soon for interview/feature days.
These were read and ready for reviews for Authors.
Quest for Magic by Jean Hart Stewart - Read; review to be posted with interview.
Seeing for the First Time (What You See is What You Get) and To See (What You See is What You Get) by Nicole Zoltack - Both Read; setting up author interview with reviews.
Steamrolled by Pauline Baird Jone. Read; review to be posted with author interview.]


  1. I like the sound of Miss Hildreth Wore Brown. I love a good story from the South.xx

  2. My visits have been few as well. I have been so busy as of late and I do enjoy getting to see everyone and what they are reading :)

  3. I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on Firelight :)

  4. Loving all the yummy PNR covers. ;D

    New follower! Come see my Monday as well! Have a great week everyone!

  5. I enjoyed Blackberry Summer by RaeAnne Thayne - I hope her second is as good

    Wishing you a great reading week!
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  6. I am loving the covers to the two books you are reading for the tour! I've been diving more and more into UF and Paranormal Romance :). It's nice to get some recommendations.

    Happy reading!

  7. I have a very slow week ahead of me this week. Plenty of reviews to do though.

  8. I really enjoyed Mr Hildreth Wore Brown. I've been hearing a bit about Rook as well. Have a great reading week!

  9. Have a fab week! See what I'm reading here. Tasha @ A Trillian Books xxx

  10. You had a great week!!! I read Miss Hildreath awhile ago.

    Have an awesome week!!

  11. I hate it when it looks like no one reads my blog.

  12. The Rook has me intrigued. Looking forward to your thoughts. Have a great reading week.

  13. Hey there, I am new to your blog, if you would like, come say hi sometime:)

    The Rook by Daniel O'Malley sounds really good!


Your comments are always appreciated!