
Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? December 26, 2011

This meme starts at Book Journey!
What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

This was another good reading week and with the extra day off I finished one additional Audible book for a total of five books read.  I posted three reviews - just didn't get that fourth one up.  I posted  two ARC giveaways and one giveaway Hop.  As always I posted my regular Friday Pick Giveaway and Saturday Sharing Beyond Books but instead of the Sunday post I had several Christmas posts. 

I did get to visit about ten blogs last Sunday but I never got to go back later in the week for more visiting.
These were last week's posts plus Winner posts not listed.

Finished Reading:
1. Audible

by Veronica Roth
Wonderful dystopia story.
Read for TBR.

2. Print
by Margaret Maron
Nice mystery.
Review to be posted this week.
Read for Grand Central Publishing.

3. Print (Kindle)

Carrie Goes Off the Map
by Phillipa Ashley

This is a fun read.
Read for Sourcebooks.
Review to be posted this week.

4. Audible
Perfect Shadow: A Night Angel Novella | [Brent Weeks] 

I decided to listen to this novella as the Trilogy has good ratings and I thought I might like to get it on sale. From My own TBR. In case I don't review - I'll rate it 4.0.

Publisher's Summary
Discover the origins of Durzo Blint in this original novella set in the world of Brent Weeks' New York Times best-selling Night Angel trilogy.
"I got a bit of prophecy," the old assassin said. "Not enough to be useful, you know. Just glimpses. My wife dead, things like that to keep me up late at night. I had this vision that I was going to be killed by forty men, all at once. But now that you're here, I see they're all you. Durzo Blint."
Durzo Blint? Gaelan had never even heard the name.
Gaelan Starfire is a farmer, happy to be a husband and a father; a careful, quiet, simple man. He's also an immortal, peerless in the arts of war. Over the centuries, he's worn many faces to hide his gift, but he is a man ill-fitted for obscurity, and all too often, he's become a hero, his very names passing into legend: Acaelus Thorne, Yric the Black, Hrothan Steelbender, Tal Drakkan, Rebus Nimble.
But when Gaelan must take a job hunting down the world's finest assassins for the beautiful courtesan - and crimelord - Gwinvere Kirena, what he finds may destroy everything he's ever believed in. 

5. Audible

Holiday in Death: In Death, Book 7
 I had time to fit in another Audible and 
this turned out to be a serial Santa set at Christmas.
From my own TBR.
Publisher's Summary
No one likes to be alone during the holidays. For New York's most posh dating service, Personally Yours, it is the season to bring lonely hearts together. But Lt. Eve Dallas, on the trail of a ritualistic serial killer, has made a disturbing discovery: all of the victims have been traced to Personally Yours. Eve soon enters an elite world of people searching for their one true love - and one killer searching for his next victim.

Line Edits/Releases: 

I uploaded the Christmas Novella release: Christmas Wish by Joy Brooks.

Katie Holston, raised in foster homes, wants nothing more than a family to call her own. She meets the man of her dreams in Ian Stokely. Being his five year old son’s teacher, she is in a position to make her dreams come true. Kyle Stokely confides in Katie his greatest wish for Christmas. He wants his widowed father to be happy again. Ian Stokely has a different view than Katie Holston and his son, Kyle. He wishes to be left alone. Can Katie and Kyle convince Ian to live life fully again?
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 67, Novella

Currently reading:
1. Audio
by Glenn Beck
I am enjoying this in the car.
On Disc 4 of 6.
Reading for Simon & Shuster 
and Audiobook Jukebox
Book Description
Publication Date: October 25, 2011
A heartwarming novel from Glenn Beck, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Christmas Sweater and phenomenally popular radio and television host.

Rachel Price’s one happy memory from her childhood is of playing outside with her father, Mitch, on a cold and snowy day. In that moment he took her hands in his and called her his angel. She felt safe, loved, and protected. Rachel’s mother dies in a car crash a few years later—a sudden and unresolved ending to a complicated relationship. Mitch’s reaction to certain realities surrounding the death pushes Rachel away and confirms her fear that Mitch never truly loved her at all.

Years later, Rachel’s daughter, Lily, is the only light in her dark life. Rachel is consumed by an abusive marriage but too afraid to escape. On Christmas Eve, Rachel’s husband raises a hand to Lily in a moment of aggression that finally snaps Rachel out of her docile state. She realizes immediately that she must protect her daughter in ways her own parents didn’t protect her and remove Lily from the situation. Through the help of an old and dear friend, Rachel has a safe place to go, but first, she must say goodbye to her father.

As the snow falls on this Christmas Eve, Rachel learns that it’s never too late to start over. The Snow Angel is a tale about family, forgiveness, and learning to treasure our memories while allowing ourselves to move forward.

2. Print
by Roy Peter Clark
I am finding this very interesting.
Reading for Little Brown & Company, Div of Hachette.
Book Description
Publication Date: September 21, 2011
The craft of writing offers countless potential problems: The story is too long; the story's too short; revising presents a huge hurdle; writer's block is rearing its ugly head.

In HELP! FOR WRITERS, Roy Peter Clark presents an "owner's manual" for writers, outlining the seven steps of the writing process, and addressing the 21 most urgent problems that writers face. In his trademark engaging and entertaining style, Clark offers ten short solutions to each problem. Out of ideas? Read posters, billboards, and graffiti. Can't bear to edit yourself? Watch the deleted scenes feature of a DVD, and ask yourself why those scenes were left on the cutting-room floor. HELP! FOR WRITERS offers 210 strategies to guide writers to success.

3. eBook/Kindle

by Karen Wiesner
I really enjoy this author. I am 75% through this.
Reading for the author.
Product Description
Erin Shanley, a hospice nurse, turns amateur sleuth when she realizes that some of her patients are being swindled out of their life savings by the new “psychic” fortunetellers in Briar’s Point. She confides in her neighbor, Detective Tyler Shaw, whom she grew up alongside and considers her best friend.

Tough guy Ty has been in love with Erin since their disastrous first attempt at a romantic relationship when they were teenagers. Erin has been skittish about love since she discovered her father was cheating on her mother—and Ty is so much like her father. How can she risk loving a reckless, restless adventurer when her mother’s loyalty to a man like that brought her so much pain? But when Erin’s bumbling sleuthing attempts arouse someone’s wrath, she realizes her heart isn’t the only thing in danger.

I am also listening to The Listener's Bible NIV read by Max McLean. 

I am at Malachi 1 and Revelations 19.

Line Edits: I am still finalizing one more Novella for release and continuing to work on Smashword and print releases.

December - I started out with 11 or so books to read for review. The reading has gone well but I have at least eight reviews from the past weeks left so it is pretty certain that a couple,  the TBR reviews most likely, might flow to the new year. 

Remaining Author Selections - I may not get this one complete until January.
Nathan Patrick Hardt - The Second Sonata

[To be posted - I am setting these up for January interview/feature days since I didn't get them in this year:
These were read and ready for reviews for Authors.
Quest for Magic by Jean Hart Stewart - Read; review to be posted with interview.
Seeing for the First Time (What You See is What You Get) and To See (What You See is What You Get) by Nicole Zoltack - Both Read; setting up author interview with reviews.
Steamrolled by Pauline Baird Jone. Read; review to be posted with author interview.]


  1. Someone was reading some Christmas reads for Christmas :) I read a few myself - really liked "Redbird Christmas" By: Fannie Flagg :)

    Hope you had a great Christmas. You definitely read some pretty wonderful books this week!!

  2. I came to Melbourne on the 23rd - library is closed till the 28th!!! so I literally have nothing to read till then. Fortunately busy otherwise I would have been climbing the walls. It has been years since I have been left without a book in hand.

  3. I'm a great fan of Kate Atkinson's series. Waiting for a new one!!
    Here's my reads for the week!

  4. I like the look of Souls on (B)oring Street. Enjoy your reads! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. Wow - looks like you had a great week last week! I need to get Divergent as I've only heard good things!

  6. I LOVE THE NEW LOOK!!! I also love the Deborah Knott Mysteries!!!

    Have a wonderful week!!

  7. I love how you have posted the books you've read in little textboxes. Just beautiful!

    Here's my It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

  8. Awesome reading work!
    I still need to read Divergent. I've heard nothing but great things about it.

  9. You had a great reading week! I really liked Divergent too.

  10. I'll have to check some of those out! :)
    Here’s my It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?. :)

  11. Wow, you had quite a productive week in the middle of the holiday season!

    I can't wait to read Divergent - it's been waiting here for too long!

    Enjoy your books this week -


    Book By Book


Your comments are always appreciated!