
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sharing Beyond Books #13 September 11, 2011

Welcome to another Saturday night - yes it is Saturday night for me in Copenhagen as I am setting this up. I will not post it until 9/11 as I left the commenting/giveaway open until 10 pm Central on the 10th. Thanks for your comments this past week.
A couple commenters said they rarely cry but may experience other emotions like laughing out loud. The books that caused tears are very varied.

We are a blessed group since most of us have had little damage from any disaster. Carol Wong and Carol L particularly have experienced dreadful circumstances but fortunately little damage.

PLEASE NOTE - I am still open for hosts to cover September 17 and September 24 for the SBB event. If interested, please email me at mesreads AT and we'll set it up - you do the post and I'll still honor the winner picks.  :-)

The Winner from SBB #12 comments is: #RICKI There are still 9 'love' books to pick from, 8 Christmas choices and 3 Summer titles below. So Ricki- please choose a book from the remaining Love Books List for Giveaway or remaining Christmas Giveaway Books or the summer books below and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks by completing the WINNER FORM.

WEEK #13 Questions

Q1. Krystal asks the book question this week:  When and why did you decide to start blogging and have you found a creative way to use some of the numerous books you have received??  For those who are not bloggers I'll adjust the question to when and why you started to visit blogs and have you found a creative way to use some of the numerous books you have received?
A:  I started blogging in July 2009 to share reviews.  As you all know I give away most of my review books! :-)
graphic borrowed from Novel Novice

Q2.  What is your preference in book media: Hardback, paperback, ereader, or audio??
You all probably recognize that I love all book media. :-) My favorite I think might be Audio as I can do (mindless) chores (like folding laundry, racking leaves, etc.) while listening.  I rarely read hardbacks unless they come that way as a review book.  I would say that I prefer paperback but more and more I am reading even my review books on Kindle because of the text to speech feature.  I can listen to the Kindle books while I do dishes or put on make up etc. The picture below shows some of the items I brought for vacation - I have two more print books as well.


Thanks to those who are sending in Questions. DON'T BE SHY! Surely everyone has a Q or two you'd like to ask.  Input suggestions in this Suggested Question FormAt the end of each month I will draw from the suggestions I used the month before and that person will get a book choice or GC.

Your turn to share:

1. When and why did you decide to start blogging and have you found a creative way to use some of the numerous books you have received??  If you are not a blogger perhaps answer the second part of this question.


2. What is your preference in book media: Hardback, paperback, ereader, or audio?

SBB Comment Winners can choose a selection from the remaining  Valentine and "Love" books or the remaining Christmas Giveaway Books - there are still about 17 books available plus 3 left in the Summer titles to choose from.

Secrets of a Summer Night (The Wallflowers, Book 1)Secrets of a Summer Night (The Wallflowers, Book 1)
The one I have is hardcover.

One Reckless Summer: A Destiny Novel

One Reckless Summer: A Destiny Novel
This book is brand new, but will be gently read if I get to read it!

My copy is a paperback from 2006
with a different cover.
The Summerhouse
 Hmmm - this has a bit of magic in the plot.

A Summer Affair (Calhoun Chronicles)A Summer Affair (Calhoun Chronicles)
I love Susan Wiggs historicals!

SBB Rules: a) Must be a follower; b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the two/three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.

I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, September 16 at 10PM central.

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