
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Book Review: Tenderfoot by Amy Tupper

This story sets up for an intriguing series!
by Amy Tupper
  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 483 KB
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Amy Tupper (May 20, 2011)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0051XZQGY
     Genre:  Fantasy, YA
     My Rating:  4.5 of 5.0

Product Description
Jules is running. With the death of her mother behind her, she arrives at college in Chapel Hill ready to focus on friends, classes, and Andrew, the sweetest guy a girl could crush on. But Nick, the campus rock star, is always around, pressing every last one of her buttons. Things get strange when Nick plays his guitar, and even stranger when Jules discovers he wears a pendant identical to her dead mother’s. She wants answers. When her family’s secret is revealed, Jules must choose between running away from the one person she has opened up to or running with him toward an unknown future.
Review:  The fantasy in this takes this book beyond just a YA read.

Jules has recently turned 18 and is settling into college at Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  Jules was born in Sweden, raised in New York City and then in her early teens she lived, with an older sister and her parents, in Paris for several years.  As many midteens she wasn’t happy to move away to Stockholm.  Her mother was killed in a car accident three years before and, to deal with her grief, she ran and rebelled through those tumultuous high school years.

Now Jules is looking forward to a fresh start at a college far away from family.  The first night she goes out with friends and is helped by a handsome guy. The next day on campus she meets a mysterious and compelling guy, Nick, who mesmerizes her with his guitar music.  Soon Jules discovers that the handsome guy is Andrew and he is a champion fencer. They have much in common including being dedicated students and runners.

Suddenly Jules begins to experience heightened senses: seeing long distances, hearing voices all over the dorm and smelling individual scents.  She doesn’t know what to think until she realizes that there is some strange connection with Nick who wears the same pendant that she wears - a pendant that her mother gave to her shortly before she died. Nick is “hot” and confusing especially since he seems to purposefully provoke her.

Jules and Andrew begin a sweet friendship, although Nick is continually stepping in and interfering.  Jules and Andrew are clearly drawn to each other but when Jules discovers her legacy includes unusual gifts and training with Nick, as a mischievous guardian, she isn’t sure that subjecting Andrew to Nick is a good idea.  Andrew is a super guy that any girl would like to have as a boyfriend but how will he react if he learns of her gifts and her special connection to Nick?

Jules’ dorm friends each have their own characters and together they create a fun and supportive group. They add realism to the freshman college setting.  Towards the end of the book you learn some of the history of Jules’ legacy but the purpose of her gifts and training remains a mystery for another book in the series.

The story reads smoothly, although there are a few minor editing errors. I like how the title has a double meaning for the freshman college student and Jules as a new trainee in her gifts. Since I don’t read lots of YA it took a little (very little) bit to get me into the story.  However, I liked all of the characters and once the unusual experiences began I was well engaged throughout the rest of the story.  I will be interested to read more adventures for Jules.

This EBook was provided by the author for an honest review.

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