
Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's Monday! What are you Reading August 1, 2011?

This meme starts at Book Journey!
What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I finished five books again this week. I posted five reviews with two ARC Giveaways and a two book package Giveaway.   As usual, I posted the regular Friday Pick Giveaway; Saturday Sharing Beyond Books, and Sunday posts.

I did some visiting last week but still not as much as I would've liked.  These were last week's posts plus Winner posts not listed.
Finished Reading: 

The Fear of God: Jaguar SeriesThe Fear of God: Jaguar Series
by B.A. Chepaitis
Review and Two Book Giveaway linked above.


One Tuesday Morning
An interesting story premise.
Sheila at Book Journey and I are going to post reviews together on this later this week.

A Gentleman Never TellsA Gentleman Never Tells 
by Amelia Grey
Review Plus ARC Giveaway
linked above.

Quest For Magic
by Jean Hart Stewart
 Book FIVE of the series, Songs of the Mages
A very sexy read.
Review to post this week.
Read for Author.
by Tawna Fenske
Review and Author Q&A for August 2.
Reading for Sourcebooks.

(I read two novellas and parts of four others for Judging this week.)

Line Edits/Releases: eTreasures Released
Sword of Virtue 
by Joy Brooks
Kidnapped as a baby, Jared lives the next twenty years unaware of his royal heritage. Eventually, persecution and torment arrive with the knowledge of his identity. The legendary, Sword of Virtue chooses Jared to wield the power of 100 mages, but Jared must first endure agonizing ordeals to prove he has five of the seven virtues required by the sword. The life he loved destroyed. Jared is thrown into a world far beyond anything he could imagine.
Genre: Fantasy; pages 347.

Currently reading:
by Jennifer Haymore
I am just starting this to be ready for the 11th- 
Hachette Review and Giveaway.
Product Description
Serena Donovan left London six years ago, her heart broken and her reputation ruined by devilishly handsome Jonathan Dane. Now, with her family's future in peril, she reluctantly agrees to return to England and assume her late twin's identity. The price? Marry a man she doesn't love and spend the rest of her days living a lie.

Jonathan Dane, Earl of Stratford, has become an incorrigible rake, drinking, gambling-and trying to forget Serena Donovan. Yet the moment he's introduced to the prim and proper "Meg", he recognizes the sensual young woman who captured his heart. Haunted by his past mistakes, he refuses to lose Serena again. But convincing her to trust him is no easy task. Claiming his lost love means exposing the truth and destroying the life Serena has sacrificed everything to rebuild. With the future of all the Donovans at stake, and their undying passion capable of triggering yet another scandal, how much will Jonathan and Serena risk for a chance at true love?
by Kathryne Kennedy
Product Description
Acclaimed for her world-building, in Kathryne Kennedy's new series love miraculously prevails over strife.
Storm lord's daughter Cecily Sutton's powers over sea and sky have put her life at risk. Giles Beaumont is reluctant to protect her, until he falls under her enchanting spell...

by Abby Rike
I will finish this audio this week. Wonderful faith. 
Reading For Hachette Review.

Product Description.
Gail Carriger’s best-selling Parasol Protectorate series reimagines Victorian England with vampires, werewolves, and a dash of steampunk. Blameless is the third in the series starring the parasol-wielding Lady Alexia Maccon, formerly Alexia Tarabotti. After news spreads of her delicate condition—a surprise to everyone since she’s married to a werewolf—Alexia is desperate to escape the London gossip. So she heads to Italy for a change of scenery.

The Screwtape Letters: First Ever Full-cast Dramatization of the Diabolical Classic (Radio Theatre)[The Vision and Beyond, prophecies fulfilled and still to comeby David Wilkerson was put on hold but I read Chapter 2 this week. ]
Instead we are listening to:
C.S. Lewis

We are enjoying listening to this in our young adult class. On part IV.

I am also listening to The Listener's Bible NIV 
read by Max McLean. I am at 2 Chronicles 24, Isaiah 15 (powerful reading!) and 1 Corinthians 1.

Line Edits: I am editing the second of eTreasures' Prom Night summer YA novellas for release this week.
I am finalizing edits/formatting on Life After the Undead by Pembroke Sinclair; then Soylent Red by Jamieson Wolf.
I didn't intend to fill up the month but I guess I did.
August Review Books:
8/2 Making Waves by Tawna Fenske. Review + Author Q&A. Reading for Sourcebooks
August 2011:
8/6 Letter Perfect by Cathy Marie Hake - Reading for Church Book Club.
8/11 Confessions of an Improper Bride by Jennifer Haymore. Hachette Blog Tour Review and Giveaway.
8/16 The Quiet Gentleman by Georgette Heyer - I scheduled this for Heyer's birthday. Reading for Sourcebooks 
8/26 Get Er Done: The Green Beret Guide to Productivity by Michael Martel - Review with interview for Pump Up Your Book Blog Tour.

Sourcebooks (Seven more in not special order.)
Midnight on Julia Street by Ciji Ware
The Vampire Next Door by Ashlyn Chase
The Lady of the Storm by Kathryne Kennedy
Venetia by Georgette Heyer
Midnight Waltz by Jennifer Blake
Tears of Gold by Laurie McBain
Kingdom of Summer by Gillian Bradshaw (If I get time I will read the first in the the series, Hawk of May, before this.)

Reviewing for Authors:
Quest for Magic by Jean Hart Stewart - Read; review to be posted.
Seeing for the First Time (What You See is What You Get) and 
To See (What You See is What You Get) by Nicole Zoltack - Both Read; setting up author interview with reviews.
Steamrolled by Pauline Baird Jones

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