
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

MBS Blogoversary SPOTLIGHT #14 Author Suzanne Barrett


I met Suzanne this year when asked to review one of her books. I first read and reviewed In Love and War which posted with an author interview.  Then I was pleased to read and review Late Harvest. Today I have posted a review for Suzanne's current release, Taming Rowan.  Suzanne also makes jewelry and the link to her work is below.

I asked each author to answer two questions for their spotlight.
The first I asked and the second they provided
In Love and War
Question #1:  Why do you write/what do you hope your readers get from your books?
A: I write books that I like to read, where likable characters--and sometimes tortured heroes--find their happily ever afters, but not without a character-building struggle.
Taming Rowan
Question #2: How do my characters achieve their goals?
A:  Each must step out of his or her comfort zone. In the case of the damaged hero, by doing this, he becomes whole.

Please visit Suzanne here or her links below.
For extra credit you can comment at her blog link or email her to say "Hi" and "Thank you" for the support and giveaway.
Author Website
Suzanne's jewelry site
Late Harvest(hand-crafted, wire wrap creations)

Suzanne's Irish Travel site


Giveaway donated by Suzanne:
Print copy of Late Harvest.

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