
Saturday, July 2, 2011

MBS Blogoversary FLASH GIVEAWAY- Ends July 4 at 10PM.

Just for fun this is a FLASH GIVEAWAY during my Blogoversary 30 days of partying!

The giveaway is for ANY book on my Review and ARC giveaway list!
This is the newest set of books that I just added to the post but there are lots more there!

  •  Must be a follower and state how you follow (GFC, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads); all links are on the sidebars.
  • Check out the available books, make a choice and leave a comment saying what book you would like!
  • Also state how you follow.
I will mail my review or ARC copy OR order the chosen book through Book Depository provided the postage or book cost is under $10.00.

Open Worldwide.
Ends July 4, 2011 at 10 PM Central.

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