
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Winners of Mary of Carisbrooke and The Devil Who Tamed Her

Thank you everyone who entered. The comments on these entries were fun to read! Some of you never look up the historical figures and others rush to resource books and almost forget to come back to finish reading the book. LOL

I was surprised how many entrants had never read Johanna Lindsey, who I view as one of the popular romance authors. Then again... I have a feeling that those of us who have read her are on the 'mature' side while some of you younger readers have so many authors now to choose from you may miss some 'classic' romance authors.  Don't worry - I'm bound to introduce you to some more. *BG*
NOW to the important stuff:

to the Winner of my copy of
by Margaret Campbell Barnes
Mary of Carisbrooke: The Girl Who Would Not Betray Her King
Glitter text generator

to the Winner of my copy of
by Johanna Lindsey
The Devil Who Tamed Her

 Gothic text from
Kris and Emma please send your info by completing the WINNER FORM.
Thank you!

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