
Monday, June 20, 2011

Q&A Interview with Matt Dunn, Author of Ex-Girlfriends United

Today we say hello to Matt Dunn the author of the fun story, Ex-Girlfriends United.

Q1. How did you get started writing romantic comedy?
MATT:  I'd wanted to write a novel for a while, and I had a rough idea about a group of friends and their relationships, but didn't know where - or how - to start. Then I read Nick Hornby's High Fidelity, and it was a revelation; I thought it was the best, most entertaining book I'd ever come across. Reading that made me think there might be an audience for the kind of thing I wanted to write. So I sat down at my laptop and started typing.

Q2. Is that what you set out to write?
MATT:  Very much so. I basically wanted to write High Fidelity. Six books later, I'm still trying.
Q3. Do you have plans to write any other genres?
MATT:  I'm writing something a little more serious at the moment. It's still a romance, but I'm finding it hard to keep the jokes out of it, so I guess I'd better stick to what I know!
Q4. Do you include personal experiences in your writing?
MATT:  All the time. A frightening amount of the things I write about have happened to me in some way, shape, or form. Though I of course reserve the right to embellish them for comic effect. Even though they may not have seemed that funny at the time.
Q5. What do you like, or dislike about promotion?
MATT:  I like it all. It gives me a chance to write something different, whether it's a magazine feature, something for a newspaper, a short story, or even a guest blog piece. Plus author events are fun - it's great to meet people who like what you write. Remember, for most authors, the majority of the year is spent in a darkened room with just our laptops and the characters we create for company. It's therefore a refreshing change to interact with real people!
Thank you for sharing.
Please see my review and Giveaway of the ARC copy which is posted next.

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