
Monday, June 13, 2011

It's Monday! What are you Reading June 13, 2011?

This meme starts at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books!
What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I finished four books this week.  I had 16 posts this week! Five reviews and four Giveaways.  I also posted a blog tour post, an announcement post, the Friday Pick Giveaway; Saturday Comment Giveaway, Sunday post, and a Giveaway protocol post.

I visited a few blogs last week not necessarily from Its Monday but various around the blog community. Still not as many as I would like.
These were last week's posts plus Winner posts not listed.

Finished Reading:
by J.D. Robb
I really like this series.
Review and print book giveaway are linked above.

From Mason to Minister: Through the Lattice
By Neil Cullan McKinly
Uplifting Memoir for
Pump Up Book Tour.
Author Q&A to post on June 13 
and my Review on June 14.

Print and Kindle: 
by Jami Alden
This is an intense romantic suspense.
My review and Hachette Giveaway 
will post June 15.

Luciano's LuckLuciano's Luck
by Jack Higgins
Good Military Thriller.
Review linked above.

Line Edits/Releases:
Released Prairie Lily by Georgina Sellwood.

Currently reading:
I am enjoying this.
Review, ARC giveaway 
and Author Q&A on June 20.
A Sourcebooks review.
"Full of great one-liners...a terrifying eye-opener into what men really think."-Company

Demons Prefer Blondes Demons Prefer Blondes
by Sidney Ayers
This is fun.
Author Q&A and Review for Sourcebooks 
scheduled for June 21.
Product Description
Rafe Deleon is a senior demon and he resents like hell his assignment to Earth to retrieve the Chest of the Damned before it falls into the wrong hands. But then he meets beautiful, intriguing succubus Lucy Gregory and she's just unleashed a whole load of trouble...

Lucy's chic suburban beauty salon has suddenly become the Underworld's center of mass chaos and destruction. The only good thing in a day going rapidly down the tubes is the arrival of a gorgeous demon who's adamant that he can help her...

But Lucy has quite a few deeply unpleasant--not to mention deadly and hateful--surprises ahead of her, and surely there's never been a worse time to try out a new boyfriend...
By Tom McNeal
I was intimidated by the size of the book although 448 pages isn't that bad. I have started this and it is quite lovely. May take me two weeks to read it with the other items I have going on.
Product Description
Judith Whitman always believed in the kind of love that "picks you up in Akron and sets you down in Rio." Long ago, she once experienced that love. Willy Blunt was a carpenter with a dry wit and a steadfast sense of honor. Marrying him seemed like a natural thing to promise. But Willy Blunt was not a person you could pick up in Nebraska and transport to Stanford. When Judith left home, she didn't look back.

Twenty years later, Judith's marriage is hazy with secrets. In her hand is what may be the phone number for the man who believed she meant it when she said she loved him. If she called, what would he say?

TO BE SUNG UNDERWATER is the epic love story of a woman trying to remember, and the man who could not even begin to forget.

by J.D. Robb
Reading for my own
TBR enjoyment
I have the print book for this to giveaway soon.
Product Description
Conducting a top secret investigation into the death of a fellow police officer has Lieutenant Eve Dallas treading on dangerous ground. She must put professional ethics before personal loyalties. But when a dead body is placed outside her home, Eve takes the warning personally. With her husband, Roarke, watching her every move, Eve is drawn into the most dangerous case of her career. Every step she takes makes her question her own sense of right and wrong - and brings her closer to a confrontation with humanity's most seductive form of evil.

Change Anything: The New Science of Personal SuccessChange Anything: The New Science of Personal Success
by Kerry Patterson, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler
I just started listening to this in the car. 
I think I am really going to like it.
For Hachette Review.
Product Description
A stunning new approach to how individuals can not only change their lives for the better in the workplace, but also their lives away from the office, including (but not limited to) finding ways to improve one's working relationship with others, one's overall health, outlook on life, and so on.

For example, why is it that 95% of all diet attempts fail? Why do New Year's Resolutions last no more than a few days? Why can't people with good intentions seem to make consistent and positive strides in the way they want to improve their careers, financial fitness, physical fitness, and so on?

Based upon the latest research in a number of psychological and medical fields, the authors of CHANGE ANYTHING will show that traditional will-power is not necessarily the answer to these strivings, that people are affected in their behaviors by far more subtle influences. CHANGE ANYTHING shows how individuals can come to understand these powerful and influential forces, and how to put these forces to work in a positive manner that brings real and meaningful results.

The authors present an array of everyday examples that will change and truly empower you to reexamine the way you go about your business and life.

I am listening to The Listener's Bible NIV 
read by Max McLean. I am at 2 Kings 1, Proverbs 10 and Acts 15.

Line Edits:
The author and I are doing the last round edits on Sword of Virtue by Joy Brooks.
Still I am working on Life After the Undead by Pembroke Sinclair and Soylent Red by Jamieson Wolf.

I'm pushing through the books for this month as I am also planning my BIG BLOGOVERSARY PARTY that starts this week.  Keep your eyes open for announcements on that. :-) 

June 2011 Scheduled reviews:
6/13 From Mason to Minister: Through the Lattice by Neill Cullan McKinly - Review and Author Q&A (Pump up Your Books)
6/15 Beg for Mercy by Jami Alden - Review and Giveaway (Hachette)
6/20 Ex-Girlfriends United by Matt Dunn - Review and Author Q&A (Sourcebooks)
6/21 Demons Prefer Blondes by Sidney Ayers - Review, ARC Giveaway and Author Q&A (Sourcebooks)
6/27 Wish You Were Here by Phillipa Ashley - Review, ARC Giveaway and Author Guest Post (Sourcebooks) 
6/29 The Constantine Codex (Skeleton Series) by Paul L. Maier - Review and Giveaway (Glass Road PR)

My Dangerous Pleasure by Carolyn Jewel (Hachette - Forever Romance)
Taming Rowan by Suzanne Barrett
The Showboat Affair by Gwyneth Greer (Author)
To Be Sung Underwater: A Novel by Tom McNeal (Hachette Fiction - Little Brown)
A Courtesan's Guide to Getting Your Man by Susan Donovan, Celeste Bradley (St Martins)

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