
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Q&A Interview with Katie Lane, Author of Going Cowboy Crazy and Make Mine a Bad Boy

Today please help me welcome author, Katie Lane.

1Q. When you do a series do you have each book plotted out before you start the first one or do the subsequent books flow from the first book?
Katie:  I have never sat down to write a series.  It always happens about halfway through the first book.  An Ah-ha moment so to speak.
2Q. What inspired you to write this genre?
Katie:  Shanna by Kathleen Woodiwiss
3Q.  Do your work career/hobbies/interests influence your writing?
Katie:  Everything influences my writing.  The monster truck with the flapping flags that passed me on the freeway.  The twins the mother was trying to corral at the grocery store.  The friendly people of west Texas.  The neighbor’s dog.  Pretty much everything. 
4Q.  Did you find anything "hands on" or unusual required when researching these books?
Katie:  I traveled to west Texas a couple times.  I said it was for research, but mostly I just went because I love the people and BBQ.
5Q.  Do your characters live with you or haunt your dreams as you write?
Katie:  Both.  My husband jokes that he needs to add on another room.  And when I’m deep into a story, a night doesn’t go by that I don’t dream about my characters.

Thank you, Katie for sharing your humor in your answers and your books! 
Check out the Review and Giveaway post for a chance to win BOTH books!

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