
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Cinco De Mayo! Book Review and ARC Giveaway! Holy Guacomole!

This is a delicious offering and perfect to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!
Holy Guacamole by Dan Harmer and Denise Harmer
    Holy Guacamole
  • Paperback: 284 pages
  • Publisher: Lamp Post Inc. (March 1, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1600391834
  • ISBN-13: 978-1600391835

Genre: Inspirational Comedy Adventure
My Rating: 5.0

Product Description
Nestled along San Diego's coast, the former romantic getaway of the silver screen's most notorious lovers is now the sizzling hacienda of Bonnie Miller's culinary boot camp. "If you are what you eat, make it hot, spicy and irresistible," is her motto, and this queen of Southwestern cuisine enjoys quite a savory life; success, fame, and a reputation for the finest palate west of Barcelona. That is, until a pot-rattling bang causes Trace Domingo, a washed-up sports writer, to crash into her life. His arrival turns up the heat at the culinary boot camp as Bonnie discovers in life's recipe book, it is not the spices which add the most flavor, but how truly hungry you are.
Review: This book is full of good things: food, fun, frightening adventures, fast flow and faith. What’s not to love?
The story is told by Trace Domingo, an affable former sports journalist who is excited to get a chance to learn culinary skills under the famous TV chef, Bonnie Miller.  Trace sets out with his run down jeep and shows up late. He first meets Bonnie when it appears that he attacks her on the set although he is actually trying to protect her after a shot goes through the window. What a way to make an impression - memorable if not favorable.

Bonnie is a food snob and although not quite a Diva she is a rather snippety TV chef. But there is a soft side burried under that successful star.

Bonnie is distracted because her beloved adoptive father is dying. Meanwhile she is getting notes that she believes are from her birth mom wishing to meet with her. As far as Bonnie knows her birth mother dumped her out as trash. Few people other than her family know that Bonnie was born with a deformity that she had to struggle with it all of her young life. Trace inadvertently discovers the flaw and Bonnie threatens to throw him out of the training program.  Before that happens though she uses Trace to help her escape the paparazzi and get to her family home. From there the two head off to Mexico for Bonnie’s mission which isn’t explained until later in their adventures.

Setting off during a downpour in Trace’s unreliable and leaky Jeep isn’t a good idea and leads to misadventures reminiscent of Romancing the Stone! The jeep gets stuck; unsavory bandits attack but a suave plantation owner, who recognizes Bonnie, comes to the rescue - maybe.  Uhh- an Armani clad farmer? Really??? Not!

There is a roller coaster ride of escape to get to Bonnie’s ultimate destination - a poor Mission where she was rescued as the thrown away infant.  There Bonnie looks at her life and realizes how blessed she was as a child to be rescued from the poverty and how ungrateful her behavior as a spoiled and famous person has been.

The references to faith and the heart revelations, although not precisely subtle, are soft and not preachy. They fit in naturally with the story flow, delivering warm lessons on acceptance, forgiveness, humility and unselfish caring. The story is pleasantly “peppered” with food analogies that are fun. The characters are real and the writing easy with a good flow. It is a fast and satisfying read! I hope there will be more fun adventures from this spousal team of authors.
As icing on the cake, so to speak, to top off all the good things about this book, a portion of the proceeds of the book sales go to support the ministry of Outside the Bowl (see link in giveaway item 2. below).

Thank you to Glass Road Public Relations for the book to read and review and for allowing the giveaway.


1. Visit the authors' website and tell me something of interest you find there.
Please leave your e-mail!

2.  For two extra entries, visit Outside the Bowl and tell me something you find of interest there.

3. For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

4. For two extra entries, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

(Six total entries possible.)
It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.

* This contest is open US and Canada only.
* No P.O. Boxes Please - for shipping reasons.
* This contest will close 10:00 PM (Central) on May 20, 2011.
The winner will be randomly selected from all entries.