
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Enquiring Minds - Meme Week 39 PLUS Comment Giveaway + Winner

I'm not sure if most of you missed my comment (** below in blue) last week noting that Dollycas will be ending this meme next week at #40.  Only three comments were made indicating they would like to either continue this or a similar comment post.  I would probably end up doing them on Saturday since that is usually when I get to it. (A little late tonight.) So maybe give me a comment this week if you are OR are not interested in continuing with a similar comment meme.
Thanks again for your answers last week.  There were some interesting job "dreams." I was curious what  Rachel's 'music therapist' career involves.  Many of us attended college and a several are in college now - oh you young things! Most of us do not go to reunions although at least five answered "not yet" because they are young and two were too far away.

The Winner from Enquiring Minds Week #38 is: #1 Meredith. Meredith, please pick a book from the Love Books List for Giveaway or remaining Christmas Giveaway Books and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks if desired.

This meme is hosted by Dollycas Thoughts for Thursdays - which are hard for me to make.  The goal is to get to know our fellow bloggers and visitors better. Each week Dolly asks some questions for us to answer and then link up. I am late doing the post but I am trying to to participate as I would like to learn more about blogger and follower friends.


1. If you could meet a famous person who would you like to meet?
If this were a deceased person it would be easier - #1 Jesus; #2 Abraham Lincoln.
However I assume we are supposed to pick a living person so I had to think and think. I decided not to pick a political person. And I am not a huge Hollywood star fan. So I decided maybe an author but then I had to think and think which one and I had a hard time settling on just one. I like Dollycas' answer.  (This is one of the few times I saw her answer before I typed in my own answers.)  I enjoyed going to the Romantic Times Book Fair two years ago and meeting many authors, including a brief hello with Heather Graham. I would love to go to a book convention and I hope I can safe up for BEA next year.  However, looking at this crowd I may have second thoughts.

 2. Are you planning a summer vacation?
We have already been on a couple of trips earlier this year so we have not made any summer plans yet. Maybe we will vacation at home!

3. What is your favorite television show?
We mostly watch movies on TV not shows. We used to love "24".

Your turn to share: What famous person would you like to meet? Are you planning a summer vacation? What is your favorite television show? 
**Please NOTE while you are answering - Lori at Dollycas has advised that she is going to be ending this meme at #40. I have really enjoyed getting to know you better by your answers and I may continue the questions or I could go to a comment meme. Please let me know if you are interested in continuing the enquiring type questions or would prefer another type of comment meme.

Enquire Comment Winners can choose a selection from  Valentine and "Love" books or the remaining Christmas Giveaway Books
Rules: a) Must be a follower; b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, June 3 at 10PM central. 

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