
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Book Review: Be Careful What You Wish For by Sibel Hoges

A fine combination of humor, mystery, action and romance.
Be Careful What You Wish For (Amber Fox Mystery)Be Careful What You Wish For (Amber Fox Mystery) 
by Sibel Hodge

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 383 KB
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English
          Genre: Mystery
          My Rating: 4.25 of 5.0

For fans of Janet Evanovich, Kate Johnson, and Gemma Halliday...

Armed with cool sarcasm and uncontrollable hair, feisty insurance investigator Amber Fox is back in a new mystery combining murder and mayhem with romance and chicklit…

Three deaths.
A safety deposit box robbery.
The boxing heavyweight champion of the world.

Somehow, they’re all related, and Amber has to solve a four year old crime to find out why.

As she stumbles across a trail of dead bodies and a web of lies spanning both sides of the social divide, it’s starting to get personal. Someone thinks Amber’s poking her nose in where it’s not wanted, sparking off a game of fox and mouse – only this time, Amber’s the mouse.

Amber’s forced to take refuge in the home of her ex-fiancĂ©, Brad Beckett, and now it’s not just the case that’s hotting up. So is the bedroom…

All Levi Carter wanted to be was the boxing heavyweight champion of the world, but at what cost?

All Carl Thomas wanted was to be rich, but would his greed be his downfall?

All Brad Beckett wants is to get Amber back, but there’s a reason for the ex word.

Be careful what you wish for…you might just get it.

Review: If you like Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum I think you will really like Amber Fox - I know I do.

Amber, or Foxy as her friends call her, used to be a cop but now she is working as a hot shot Private Investigator. The difficulty is that her boss is her sexy, ex fiancĂ©, Brad.  She is still really drawn to Brad but he disappeared right before their wedding two years before. Brad wants her back but she is scared to trust him. And she doesn’t want to hurt the handsome and nice-guy, (and fellow cop), Romeo, who has loved her for a while and was there when she needed him.

Good thing Foxy has a new case to take her mind off personal matters. Foxy starts off investigating a boxing accident but her inquiries end up with her finding dead bodies. Somehow the murders are tangled with a local bank robbery and her instincts tell her there is a mob connection to illegal betting and blackmail. Now she just needs to pull together the proof before someone else, not to mention herself, gets killed. The threats she receives, including a human bloody nose and a house full of spiders, only make her more determined.

Foxy has a great, quirky support team.  Hacker is the computer technical whizz. He is from Haiti and knows Voodoo. Then there is the new office assistant, Tia. Tia is cute with a loud and kooky fashion sense. She is also psychic and does spells.  Brad is a former SAS agent who can kill with his bare hands.

The story is told in first person by Foxy and it moves quite naturally. There is an easy British flow with a bit of sexual innuendo, some heart searching and a lot of humor. I enjoyed the characters and the twisting mystery which unfolded with the fast pace investigation. There seemed to be some repetition of the clues that I thought was not needed but it probably is realistic in the mode of an investigator looking over their facts again and again trying to piece together the puzzle. The story is well written with good sassy and natural dialogue.

This is the second in the series although it is fine as a stand alone. But, if you haven’t read this author I would recommend reading them in order as I am certain the first book gives more details on the romantic dilemma Foxy is facing as this book opens. I would be more that glad to pick up the first and other Amber Fox mysteries as well as other books by this author.
Thank you to the Author who provided this book for my honest review.


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