
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Enquiring Minds - Meme Week 32 PLUS Comment Giveaway + Winner

I wasn't sure if people would be too modest to answer last week's questions - guess not. :-)
A greater number of us shower but more bathe or shower in the evening not morning, which surprised me. Tooncesmom's Japanese tub sounds pretty nice.
Not too many hot tubs or pools and even those of us who have pools don't use them as much as we should/could.

The Winner from Enquiring Minds Week #31 is: #19 TrueBookAddict. TrueBookAddict- please pick a book from the Love Books List for Giveaway or remaining Christmas Giveaway Books and let me know your choice, your address and a choice of bookmarks if desired. Or let me know what credit you want or book you want from Book Depository if international.

This meme is hosted by Dollycas Thoughts for Thursdays - which are hard for me to make.  The goal is to get to know our fellow bloggers and visitors better. Each week Dolly asks some questions for us to answer and then link up. I am late doing the post but I am trying to to participate as I would like to learn more about blogger and follower friends.


1. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
I believe eating breakfast is healthy so I try to eat every morning. 
Usually bacon and eggs. If not at home then I make an omelet and bacon at the office.

2. What is your favorite breakfast cereal?
I hardly ever eat cereal except for hot cereals like oatmeal, cream of wheat or bran.  I used to like Frosted Flakes as a kid when I could eat all that sugar.  Last time I ate cereal it was Special K - with fruit.

3. What is your favorite brand and flavor of yogurt?
I am not particularly picky about the brand but buy the lower price. I prefer lite varieties.
My favorite flavor is strawberry and banana OR french vanilla with some fruit.
Your turn to share: Do you eat breakfast?; What is your favorite cereal? What is your favorite Yogurt?
Enquire Comment Winners can choose a selection from  Valentine and "Love" books or the remaining Christmas Giveaway Books
Rules: a) Must be a follower; b) Share a comment on any (or all) of the three questions above.
Open internationally and an international winner may get a smaller book or a $5.00 GC if I decide the mailing is too much.
I will pick a Comment winner from all comments made by Friday, April 15 at 10PM central. 

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