
Monday, April 18, 2011

Book Review: Max On Life by Max Lucado

This book gives warm, quick and easy insight to life issues.
    Max On Life: Answers and Insights to Your Most Important Questions
  • Hardcover: 256 pages
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson (April 19, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 9780849948121
  • ISBN-13: 978-0849948121
  • ASIN: 0849948126
Genre: Nonfiction, Inspirational
My Rating: 4.5 of 5.0
Product Description
We have questions. Child-like Inquires. And deep, heavy ones.

In more than twenty-five years of writing and ministry, Max Lucado has been the receiving line for thousands of such questions. The questions come in letters, e-mails, even on Dunkin Donuts napkins. in Max on Life he offers thoughtful answers to more than 150 of the most pressing questions on topics ranging from hope to hurt, from home to the hereafter.

Max writes about the role of prayer, the purpose of pain, the reason for our ultimate hope. He responds to the day-to-day questions--parenting quandries, financial challenges, difficult relationships--as well as the profound: Is God really listening?

A special addendum includes Max's advice on writing and publishing.

Including topical and scriptural indexes and filled with classic Lucado encouragement and insight, Max on Life will quickly become a favorite resource for pastors and ministry leaders as well as new and mature believers.
Review: This is an easy and uplifting resource for Biblically grounded answers to questions about living.  This is good for believers, who can strengthen their understanding, and for nonbelievers to answer basic questions.

I loved the way this is presented in 172 Questions with an answer that usually fits on one page but never (I’m pretty sure) exceeds two pages. The answers are supported with Biblical references or personal experience, opinion and wisdom from the author.  It is broken into seven “H” Topic chapters: Hope, Hurt, Help, Him/Her, Home, Haves/Have-Nots, Hereafter. The Questions per topic range from 15 to 30. This could be used as a devotional, reading one question at a time, or can be read easily in a couple of days. It would also be handy to keep and refer to when you feel you could use some reminding or support on a question or issue you face in everyday living.

Some of the questions in the book are hard to answer as man cannot fully understand the omnipotent knowledge of God. It is hard for us to understand God’s plans, purpose or the picture of life as He sees it. Sometimes it is a matter of faith and trust. Max Lucado encourages the reader to think what Jesus would do in given circumstances, to seek answers in scripture and consider help and wisdom from other mature believers.

Max Lucado is a well known follower of Christ who is popular for his sincere and easy presentations which are clearly made with a caring and loving heart.  I have read a couple of previous works, including some childrens’ books. They always give me a warm, comfortable feeling. I had that same reaction reading this book and was uplifted by the spiritual love and wisdom offered by the author. This would make a lovely gift to another or one's self.

I plan to share my copy with some friends although I am not ready to give it up yet as I am inclined to think I will want to refer to it from time to time.
Visit the author website for many book choices.

I received this book from BookSneeze for an independent and honest review.

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