
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Book Review and Giveaway Three Copies (2 Books!): Face of Danger by Roxanne St. Claire

I recommend this as a "must read" if you like romantic suspense!
by Roxanne St. Claire
  • Mass Market Paperback: 432 pages
  • Publisher: Forever (April 26, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0446566578
  • ISBN-13: 978-0446566575
 Genre: Romantic Suspense
 My Rating: 4.75 of 5.0
 Product Description
Private investigator Vivi Angelino loves living life on the edge, but stepping into the shoes of a movie starlet to bait a serial killer isn't just a thrill . . . it's a ticket to the big time for her fledgling security firm. That is, as long as a certain risk-averse FBI agent stays out of her way-and out of her fantasies.

Assistant Special Agent in Charge Colton Lang isn't above using his well-worn rulebook to stop Vivi's latest walk on the wild side. But when they learn her client is involved in something far more insidious than bad acting, Vivi and Colt must work together despite the electrifying attraction arcing between them. For each new clue is bringing them closer to a high-profile crime with a dark and deadly truth at its core . . . and a cold, calculating murderer with nothing left to lose.
Review: This book SIZZLES!
Vivi is such a sassy character. Even though she is over 30 her normal look is baggy cargo pants, tight T shirt, cropped/spiked hair and nose ring  - all flying down the path on a skateboard. Some of this may be a cover up to her feminine charms but it is the tough, edgy person she has made herself into. No one knows, not even her family, the painful event that triggered her toughness. Vivi is the driving energy that founded the newly formed PI firm of the Guardian Angelinos, which includes her brother Zack and assistance from her Rossi cousins.

ASAC Colton Lang is a “by the book” FBI agent who has been directing business to the PI firm. Mostly he contracts them because they are doing a good job getting things done but maybe a bit because he is fascinated by the vivacious Vivi. They are pretty much opposites considering he is the epitome of traditional business whose idea of casual is pressed polo shirts, pressed khakis and clean docker shoes.

The sparks fly between these two as they tease each other's quirks. Colton scoffs at the idea that tough looking Vivi thinks she can pose as a Hollywood starlit. Her agreement with the movie star includes a heavy nondisclosure penalty which wouldn’t be a problem if Colton wasn’t assigned as the agent to be her bodyguard. When Colton isn't quite positive if his charge is Cara or Vivi, just how far will Vivi go to distract him from declaring her identity???

The book starts early with a sexy tease as Vivi tries to distract Colton. There are further hots scenes as the story and tension progresses.  The pair start out with one assignment but soon are uncovering deeper and more sinister criminal events. The mystery continues from start to finish in this book as just when you think that the suspense is winding down a new threat is thrown into the mix.

The wonderful thing with this author is she manages to weave a great balance of plausible mystery and suspense, real  and fun character interaction, fast paced action and sizzling sexual scenes. I also like how each of the protagonist in the series have been unique in tone giving each book its own feeling: Shiver of Fear had a sense of warmth emanating from Marc and Face of Danger has a sense of energy from Vivi . Although I have enjoyed each book in this series, I think this was my favorite so far. I look forward to the stories for the other Angelino/Rossi family members!
Thank you to Hachette for this book to read and for providing THREE copies of TWO BOOKS for giveaway. Three winners will get Shiver of Fear (The Guardian Angelinos) AND  Face of Danger (Guardian Angelinos)


1. Visit the Author's website and tell me something you found interesting;
This is required for entry.
Make sure you leave your e-mail address!

2.  For an extra entry comment on my review of Shiver of Fear.

3.  For two extra entries comment on the Author Q&A Interview.

4.  For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

5. For two entries, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

It isn't necessary to use separate entries unless you want them in different chronological order.
(Seven total entries possible.) MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE YOUR E-MAIL!

* This contest is only open to residents of US and Canada.
* No P.O. Boxes Please - for shipping reasons.
* Limit one win per household.
* This contest will close 10 PM (Central) on May 10, 2011.
The winners will be randomly selected from all entries.

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