
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blog Tour Q&A INTERVIEW with Marie Force, Author of Everyone Loves a Hero

Marie Force Interview, Author of Everyone Loves a Hero

I took a look at your website and have to say I am impressed by how many books you have recently released or have coming out soon.  Thank you for visiting today.

MF: Thanks so much for having me!

Your bio gives some history on your life and getting to the writing career but I have some more specific questions.
Q1.  With several different plot lines I am curious how you come up with the different ideas.

Everyone Loves a Hero: ...and that's the problemMF: The ideas come from all over. Everyone Loves a Hero was inspired by a brief encounter at Reagan National Airport between an arriving pilot and a blonde woman who rushed into his arms. The Fatal Series was inspired by a news story in the Washington Post about a congressman who was found dead in his home. At first the death was investigated for possible foul play, but it was later determined he died of a heart attack. But I wondered what would’ve happened if he’d been murdered. Sometimes the idea comes from asking a question like that. A handsome guy in a Mercedes inspired my book The Fall. His initials followed by MD were on his license plate, and I wondered where that doctor was going. The Fall is the answer to that question. Finding ideas is often about being open to them.

Q2.  How long did it take to develop the plot and write the story for Everyone Loves a Hero?

MF:  It’s very geeky for me to admit this, but I actually keep a log on how long it takes me to write my books. Here’s the entry on Everyone Loves a Hero: Began: May 10, 2007.  Finished: July 15, 2007. Sold: November 2009. Published: February 2011. I also did a rather significant revision in 2009.  You can see from these dates that nothing happens fast in publishing!

Q3.  Did you have any personal experience with airlines or airports that led to this story?

MF:  For someone who TRULY hates to fly, I spend way too much time in airports. I work full-time for a company headquartered 300 miles from my house, so I’m required to fly just about every month or two. Both Everyone Loves a Hero and Love at First Flight were inspired from events I witnessed in airports while traveling for work.

Q4.  How about art? Since Olivia is an artist do you have some side art talent that you pulled from for her character?

MF:  To be honest, I have NO business writing about an artist. I know NOTHING about art, and I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler. I did some basic research to ensure that Olivia’s talent rang true. I keep waiting for someone to call me out on how I failed, but so far, so good. I guess I did okay.

Q5.  Was there any special research needed for Everyone Loves a Hero?  

MF:  I talked to pilots and aviation professionals, such as my dad, who was an aviation mechanic. I also read a lot about Captain Sullenburger and how he managed the aftermath of the landing on the Hudson. Since Cole was single when he had his heroic moment, his experience was vastly different, but there were still parallels that could be drawn between the two.

Q6.  What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating Everyone Loves a Hero?

MF:  I learned that I really, truly, madly, deeply love Cole! J

Q7.  If you had an opportunity to provide only a two or three sentence "teaser" quote from your new book,

MF:  Olivia to Cole: “You haven’t even left yet and I already miss you”.

Cole to Olivia: “I’d like to show you that you can be foolish and safe at the same time, but you’ll have to take a leap of faith. You’re going to have to trust me and believe just a little bit.”

Olivia to Cole: “It only took ten minutes for today to top yesterday.”

Q8.  Is there an ancillary character you had the most fun with in this or another of your books?

MF:  In this book, I loved writing Cole’s “schlep” of a friend Tucker, who lives vicariously through Cole. In my Fatal books, I love writing Sam’s partner Freddie, who is such a TRIP.

Q9.  Do you have any rituals that help you get in the mood to sit down and write?

MF: No, I really don’t. I write after dinner when my kids are settled and work is done for the day. I have very little time to write so I have to really make it count when I do have time.

Q10.  If you could have a theme song for Everyone Loves a Hero, what would it be? And/or do you have a dream cast for your book?  

MF:  I don’t have a song in mind, but as far as casting is concerned, I’d say Ryan Reynolds for Cole and Mandy Moore for Olivia.

Q11.  What do you like to do for fun when you’re not writing?

MF:  I hang out with my husband, kids, my dad and our naughty puppy Brandy. I love to read and wish I had more time to read all the great books on my iTouch waiting for me to have time to get to them. Right now I’m working through the eight books I was sent for RWA’s RITA published author contest.

Q12.  If you could have readers finish a sentence what would it be?

Line of ScrimmageMF: Um… ahhh…. I guess I would want them to say they enjoy my books and want more of them!

For Fun:  How did you celebrate the sale of your first book?

MF: I had a launch party for Line of Scrimmage that was a really fun night!

Thank you!

MF: Thanks again for having me!


Fame has its perks…
Reluctantly famous, First Officer Cole Langston finds being in the spotlight has its advantages—until he meets Olivia. Having women throw themselves at him everywhere he goes becomes a serious problem when he's trying to convince her she's the one…

And its price…
Olivia has trouble trusting a guy like Cole, and everywhere she turns she sees reasons to run. But he's the only man who's ever seemed to understand her as an artist and as a woman…

Cole is working overtime to prove to Olivia that he's serious, but her deep seated mistrust and his entourage of unwelcomed fans may be more than they can overcome…


Marie Force is the author of Line of Scrimmage, Love at First Flight, Fatal Affair and Fatal Justice, as well as True North and The Fall (available as eBooks through She is a member of RWA’s New England, From the Heart and Published Authors Special Interest Chapters. Marie lives in Rhode Island with her family and their feisty dog named Brandy. To find out more information about Marie’s upcoming releases, please visit  

See my review and giveaway for a chance to win 
your own copy of  Everyone Loves a Hero.

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