
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Enquiring Minds Want to Know Meme Week 8, October 21, 2010

This meme is hosted by Dollycas Thoughts for Thursdays - which are hard for me to make.  The goal is to get to know our fellow bloggers and visitors better. Each week Dolly asks some questions for us to answer and then link up. I am late doing the post but I am trying to to participate as I would like to learn more about blogger and follower friends.

So here are the Week 8 Questions

1.  Do you ever feel like no one is reading your blog?
I do feel that way sometimes. Pretty much I know people read the giveaways. But I know too that some people are like me, they may read the emailed post or even check out the blog but not always comment. 
I still like to do the reviews, giveaways and a few memes.  It does make my day brighter when I see encouraging and positive comments. Even a comment on a review giveaway that the review was helpful is pleasing as that is part of the purpose of the blog.

2.  Would this meme work better for you if it was offered on a different day?
Thursday is normally a review and giveaway day if I have one ready. Even if the day is open, mid week is hard to post because of my work commitments. This time problem exists on every week day so I wouldn't make a decision based on my input. Sometimes it is easier for me do memes - at least prepare them for posting - on the weekend.  If you sent the questions or topics to me early I might be able to get my post ready earlier.  :) 

3. Do you think there are already too many similar memes out in the blogisphere and I should stop this one?
I am not aware of a similar meme. The blog hops just pop in and say "hi." I like the concept of learning more about other bloggers and followers. 

Extra question this week.

4.  If I were to continue with Enquiring Minds do you have any advice or changes you would like to see.

Keep it simple so it can be quick. Maybe only one question each week as that is still 52 questions a year and it would be quicker to participate. And I think you just need to give it time.

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