
Saturday, August 21, 2010

So Let's Chat! Do you read/like Author interviews?

I've missed our Comment days and some of my followers have too. I will try to pull in more chat days and topics - maybe at least once a month with a comment Giveaway like today. :)

Here is today's topic:
You may have noticed that I have been fortunate to get to do quite a number of author interviews lately.

I'd like your input on this.

First Q - Do you read/like Author interviews?
Second Q - Taking it as a given that I will continue to do interviews, how often do you think I should post Author interviews? Once a month? Once a week? Twice a week?
Third Q - How long do you think an interview should be? 5 Qs, 10Qs, 12Qs, 15Qs???
Fourth Q - Would you participate in an Author chat where the author visits for the day and answers questions from the comments?
Fifth Q - Do  you have a question that you would like to ask authors that doesn't get asked?  [You could always ask it in an interview comment and some of the author's might answer. :)]

Sooooo - Talk to me!
Every commenter on this discussion will be included in a drawing to win a book pick from the Friday pick books and one gift from the Blogoversary items.  If an international commenter wins then they may pick a small book and gift if the postage doesn't exceed $8.00 or they can choose a gift certificate or book depository books totaling $8.00. The drawing will be done August 28 at noon central.

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