
Friday, March 19, 2010

Winners of Movie Trivia

I guess we don't have too many movie buffs!  Some of these were pretty easy!
 The movies that the quotes came from are in red.

1.  "They never call, they never write."
While You Were Sleeping

2.  "We'll do that!"
Galaxy Quest

3.  "100% pure old fashioned homegrown."
The Matrix

4.  "Don't worry. I've done this before...once."

5.  "We're sending someone in to negotiate."
The Fifth Element

6.  "I'd die for you."
Robin Hood

7.  "She's in good hands."
Absolute Power Cindy and Paige both answered with Staying Alive so I gather it is in that movie too!

8.  "The secret's in the sauce."
Fried Green Tomatoes

9.  " What am I supposed to do? Walk around with their little corpses stuck to my finger nails?"

10.  "And Winter slumbering in the open air,
Wears on his smiling face a dream of Spring!"
Groundhog Day

The winners are:

Cheryl got them all right, if I concede her answer for #7.  She gets to pick a book from the Friday Picks and a download from eTreasures Publishing.


Paige gets to choose a book from the Friday Pick list.

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