
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Words of Encouragment March 7, 2010

This morning our Pastor preached on "Recovering from Life's Disasters."  The (very) brief highlights are:
1. Release your grief. Matt 5:4; Psalm 62:8.  Remember that grief is a season, not a lifestyle.
2. Receive help from others. Gal 6:2.  Do not withdraw.  Instead reach out for help, encouragement and hope.
3.  Refuse to be bitter.  Heb 12:15; Job 11:13, 16; 1 Thes 5:18.  Focus on what is left, not what was lost.
4.  Remember what is important.  Luke 12:15; 1 Tim 6:7.  We brought nothing with us and we take nothing with us.  What really matters is our relationships.
5.  Rely on God. Phil 4:12-13.  When you have tried everything else...try prayer!  Although it should be the first thing we do, sometimes it is the last resort.

This was our choir song this morning!
I hope you will listen to the words - very powerful.
I couldn't find the lyrics to post.  
I love the words: "I know His word is true for I've seen what He can do!"

Verse for Today:
1 Thessalonians 5:18 New American Standard
[i]n everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

I prayed this morning for healing, health and hope for those who need each of these attributes!


  1. Those are good words to remember. It is easy to give up and grow bitter during these times.

  2. What a cool song! And the simple yet poignant! Thank you--I hadn't heard that one before.


Your comments are always appreciated!