
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Review - Moon Shifter by Karen Michelle Nut Plus Comment Contest

Author: Karen Michelle Nut
Genre: Paranormal/Shifters
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Release Date: 2009
Paperback $2.00
Pages: 76
Heat Rating: Spicy

Rating: 4.5 of 5.0 

The Mac Tíre forbade all moon shifters from changing a human in order to save them from death. Grayson Quinn, the alpha of the pack ignores the ancient rule when Sydney Carlisle, his fiancée is ravaged by one of his own kind.
Sydney believes she is a monster, a werewolf. She flees before Grayson can help her adjust, but Grayson must find her. Sydney’s body is still changing and the were lust will drive her crazy if not sated. He has until the full moon to help her tame the wolf inside and convince her she’s his soul mate. If he fails, he loses her forever.
Sydney still craves Grayson's touch, but can her heart forgive him for making her one of the Mac Tíre?

Review: This was a very fast, engaging and sexy romance.

Sydney is angry and frightened. She is in no mood to listen to the man who turned her into this monster.

Grayson is patient and concerned in his efforts to make Sydney listen. He really needs to get past her anger to explain to her the current emotional and physical dilemma she faces. He knows she hates him for what she has become but he is unaware that the doctor never explained why Grayson wasn’t there for her when she first shifted.

Add to these conflicts the fact that both Sydney and Grayson have memories of how wonderful their relationship was before she was attacked. Plus there is the continued pull of attraction that they are fighting for different reasons.

I really like the shifter clan that Ms. Nutt created.  Some “werewolf” myths and wolf facts are smoothly woven into a very believable plot.  All the action and emotion in the story are focused around the central romance. The sexual tension is intense and the intimacy is spicy.  The writing flows for an easy read.  If you like a fast paced, sexy romance story you can’t go wrong with this one!

I won this book at a contest blog where Karen talked about creating her world of shifters.  I forgot to say thanks in the Monday Mailbox post to Skhye who hosted that contest - so a little late - Thank You! Take a peek at Skhye's Ramblings where she has listed some online kids activities!
This is my Tuesday R&R review post at SaSR group today. 

Comment on the Review and answer the following question to be in a drawing for a Friday Pick book!
Here is a Question for you:
If you could be a shifter what animal would you want to be?  
Some choices:  a wolf, a dragon, a wild cat, a bird.....
Tell us what you would like to be and why.
I haven't decided yet so I'll answer after I sleep on it! LOL


  1. This book sounds pretty interesting :)

    If I could be a shifter I would want to be an owl so I could fly.

  2. I think being a dragon would be all shades of awesome! Roar!!

  3. I love cats. They are such beautiful animals. My choice would have to be a wild cat. Actually, though I think I would prefer to be a spoiled house cat. lol

  4. Well it was hard for me to decide as i vacillated between a hawk, a dragon or a panther! LOL Funny since you three chose a bird, a dragon and a wild cat. I think I like the idea of flying and I am afraid dragons would draw too much attention so I decide on the hawk!
    Thank you each for commenting!

  5. I think dragons are awesome because they have the extra bonus of being able to breathe fire :D I think that's an experience you don't get to try everyday!

  6. I'd be a dolphin!
    Because I love the water.. swimming, relaxing, and playing sports in it.. When I was a kid, everyone called me Ariel, because everything in my room was 'under the sea' themed. :)

  7. I would like to be a bird. I read a book by Marjorie M. Liu and one of the characters could shift into a bird; I thought that was pretty cool!

    Tracey D

  8. I'm not sure but I'd like to be a dragon, they are powerful and can fly but I don't think I'd be able to hide so.. a tiger would be my choice, they are mi favourite animal!

  9. I would select a tiger as I love cats but don't want to be the smaller kinds. Big cats can control more. ha ha susan L.


Your comments are always appreciated!