
Friday, March 12, 2010

More Good Giveaways To Check Out!

I'll be posting another theme related giveaway for my blog tomorrow when I am back at the other computer.

Meanwhile, here are some more interesting Giveaways to check out! 
The Qwillery is giving away two very interesting looking Urban Fantasy/Police Procedure books by Diana Rowland.
Leave a comment for a chance to win!  Ends 3/16.

Author Ann Aquirre is celebrating the upcoming release of Hell Fire by giving away a good group of books! Check it out!  Books being given at intervals during March with a grand prize at the end of a $50.00 gift certificate!

 Don't forget to check in on several of the Giveaways I mentioned at the beginning of the month which are still going on with interesting interviews and good books to win!

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