
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Join The Book Blogger Hop - March 26, 2010

Okay - I am a bit late but I really wanted to do this and I had to hunt down the link after I got to visit some Monday Reading links and some new sites/blog friends I met this week

This is a new meme from Jennifer at Crazy-For-Books and it is pretty cool!

You link up at The Hop and make an effort to visit other blogs.  It's all about networking and finding new BOOK blogs that are of interest. At the time I am posting this there were already 151 153 (before I could post!) links to the meme which is very wonderful.  I am looking forward to visiting some more blogs.  (I know, I know.  I have no more time - but sometimes its more important to visit with friends than to write the reviews!)
I f you stop by from the Hop please comment and say HI!


  1. I'm a subscriber to your blog and a new participant in the book blog hop.

  2. New follower via hop. Very nice blog and looking forward to your future posts. I can be found here

  3. Following through the blog hop.

  4. Hopping on through and following you too! :)

  5. Thanks for stopping by my site. I am following back from blogger hop.

  6. what a great idea! Thanks for the heads up!


Your comments are always appreciated!