
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Spring! The Garden Blooms!

I always thought Spring started March 21st but the calendar says March 20.
Happy Spring everyone.

I missed my Monthly Garden Bloom Posts on the 15th the past three months due to extreme business.  I decided to post the pictures here so you can get a feel for our nice North Florida weather.  It has been a bit colder than usual this year!
January 15 pictures:
The Chrysanthiums were surviving
as were this red berry plant - not sure what it is called.

The geranium and kalanchoe
outside my office bit the dust 
between the lack of water and
the freezing temperatures.

February 12 it snowed!

Finally in March, with lots of rain, 
the flowers are beginning to bloom again!

I hope it starts to warm up for everyone and that you have a beautiful Spring!


  1. The buds are so lovely! Happy spring!

  2. It Florida??? Wowie!! Your garden looks lovely, Martha. It got *coooollld* down here, but never snow-worthy. My garden didn't get too scorched but I did have to cut many things back. Thanks for the pictures. :)

  3. Thank you for sharing your spring photos! We don't have any flowers in our yard, so it was nice seeing your Crocuses and Hyacinths. Happy Spring!

  4. I always thought it was the 21st as well...


Your comments are always appreciated!