
Monday, February 1, 2010

Mailbox Monday February 1, 2010

This Meme starts with Marcia
at The Printed Page

I received four "win" books this week.
I am going to post two this week and two next week.

I may have a few trickle in yet, but I am pretty sure I will not have too many new "win" books coming in as I have not been entering as many contests. 
I have plenty of books already to read with review books and last years books won!
Plus - and this is really important! -  I think my mania of last year to enter and win contests has finally subsided!

I won the ARC of Fallen by Lauren Kate from J. Kaye's Book Blog.
Thank you J. Kaye!

Product Description

There's something achingly familiar about Daniel Grigori.

Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price's attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah, Georgia. He's the one bright spot in a place where cell phones are forbidden, the other students are all screw-ups, and security cameras watch every move.

Even though Daniel wants nothing to do with Luce--and goes out of his way to make that very clear--she can't let it go. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, she has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret . . . even if it kills her.

Dangerously exciting and darkly romantic, Fallen is a page turning thriller and the ultimate love story.

I also won Eureka Poiut by Betty Ann Harris at a Contest posted at SaSR!
This is an attractive book and a story I am adding to my TBR list which I plan to start in a month or so!  Thank you Betty Ann! 

       BLURB:   Looking for your knight in shining armour?
Running as fast as you can, trying to avoid danger, into the arms of safety or is it?
Katie Montgomery, learns that her estranged husband, Craig Montgomery, has been deceiving her and is involved with a dangerous South American drug cartel. He becomes a fugitive and leaves Katie alone and in danger. The FBI is afraid that the drug cartel thinks Katie may know all about their drug operation, and to protect her the FBI assists her in assuming a new identity. Then enters Tom, the FBI special agent assigned to protect her. He is totally smitten with her and will do anything to protect her. They fall for each other but Katie cannot allow herself to give in and show her true feelings.
Unexpected twists and turns keep you on your toes as you root for Tom, who turns out to be the modern day knight in shining armor.
Are you up to finding out about a Special Agent?


  1. I have Fallen in my huge TBR pile...I can't wait to get to it!

  2. Hi purplg8r! I may not get to Fallen for a while!! I'm more anxious to get to Eureka Point! Isn't it wonderful how we may be anxious to read different books!!

  3. Hi MarthaE,

    Congrats on both wins and both covers are gorgeous!

    I have heard great things about "Fallen" and "Eureka Point" sounds like a book I would enjoy reading!


Your comments are always appreciated!