
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My 2010 Resolutions!


Another question I have noted around the blog world:  Have you decided how you’re going to pronounce 2010?  Should you say “twenty ten” or “two thousand ten”?  I think I am a "two thousand ten" person. How about you?

Here are my 2010 Resolutions.  I hope I do better keeping them this year than I did last year! NO - NOT the ones in the picture on the left! LOL

1.    Have no more than three reviews to write at the end of any week!

2.    Lose 20 pounds – This was a goal last year and did not get done.  At least I didn’t gain weight!

3.    Minimize one work load to increase input to a new venture.

4.    Have lunch with someone (friend or work contact) at least once a month. I didn't keep this one last year either.

5.    Pray Daily!  You would think this would be natural but sometimes it gets skimmed over.  I will also try to read the Bible each day but although I have read through the entire Bible several times I have not been consistent doing the daily reading.  I am hoping other bloggers will help keep me accountable on this with a gentle comment nudge!

I was doing this for the SaSR Tuesday chat today and decided - Okay = I'll make a post on the blog and maybe that will give me more incentive!


  1. HI Martha!

    I really like your list. I wish you all the best in achieving your goals for 2010!

  2. Great resolutions for the new year! I've noticed that the more I sit at the computer, the harder it is to lose weight. One of my goals is to get moving and slim down. I read something from the Bible every Sunday, but I like your idea of daily. You can do it!


Your comments are always appreciated!