
Monday, December 14, 2009

What are you reading on Mondays? December 14, 2009

Join this meme at:
J. Kaye's Book Blog
I finished some very good books last week!
[Note re codes:  YGR is You Gotta Read Reviews; CR is CataRomance Reviews, BTL is Between the Line/WRDF - these are the three sites where I read and review.  There are links under Some Friends on the sidebar for each of these. MBS is this blog - Martha's BookShelf!]


PB:  ----------------

Kindle2:  Wayward Angels - Wounded Warriors Book 4 by Karen Wiesner.  This was a wonderful story giving insight into the struggles of coping with Bipolar disorder! Review to be sent in this week for the author and YGR. An interview and Giveaway with Karen Wiesner, a multi-published author, is coming in January!

            The Spell by Regan Taylor - This romantic suspense has paranormal overtones in the nature of reincarnated lifes.  Lots of mystery and sensual intensity! Review to be sent to CR.

           Right Under Her Nose by LeAnn Coston. This is a good story of two long time friends where the man realizes he loves her but she can't seem to see what is under her nose. Review to be sent to CR.

          Love Thy Neighbor by Patricia Bates. I very much enjoyed this Historical western with feuding neighbors who are too stubborn to admit they love each other! Review to be sent to YGR.

Audible: ---------

Audio CD: True Blue by David Baldacci.  This is a very good action thriller.  J.Kaye and I did a "listen along" on Twitter which was a lot of fun. Audio from Hachette; Review to be posted soon at MBS.  Giveaway in progress.


 Currently reading: 

PB:  It Happened one Night by Lisa Dale. Can long time friends recognize that they may be meant for one another amid the complication that she is pregant by anothe man? Giveaway ended last night - courtesy of Hachette.  Hoping to post the review late today or Tuesday morning.

Getting Lucky by Carolyn Brown. Neighboring ranchers butt heads!  J.Kaye and I will be doing a Twitter read along on this one starting this week. Reviewing for CR.

Then I'll get back to:
Don't Look Down by David Laing Dawson. A thriller about four murderers, 18 to 81, in a forensic psychiatric ward. Reading and reviewing for author through Bostwick. Only just started into this.

Kindle2:  Angel and the Lawman by Barbara W. Starmer.   Historical Western. Reviewing for CR.

Next up:  Call Me Kate, Meeting the Molly Maguires by Molly Roe - Historical fiction about a 14 year old who infilitrates a secret Irish organization.  Reviewing on my blog, MBS, for Tribute Books.

and Released by Kimber Chin. A short suspense. Reviewing for YGR.

Audible: (March to the Sea by David Weber and John Ringo, my own TBR - on hold again - no reading on this till I get reviews caught up.)

Audio CD: What the Dog Saw by Malcom Gladwell.  I just started this and it started much better than I expected from the blurb!  Audio from Hachette. Reviewing for YGR.  Giveaway in progress.


  1. I'll hopefully finish up TRUE BLUE today. I should have last week, but I mixed up the doctor's appt. :( It's this week. Oh and the 16th is a great starting time for me.

  2. You got quite a lot of good reading done last week!

  3. It sounds like you have a pile of good reads in progress. The twittered read-alongs with J. Kaye sound like SO much fun. Enjoy!

  4. Good reading week for you. I have True Blue in my audio pile and need to get listening to that. I also have It Happened One Night.

    Hope you have another good reading week!

  5. I have It Happened one Night to read..
    looking forward to reading your review.

  6. Nice week of reading! Where do you find all the time to read with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays? LOL

    Happy reading this week!

  7. Hi all- so sorry I never got to answer any of the comments the past couple of weeks.
    Kristen - yes that was a good reading week!
    Laughing Stars - the Twitter reads are fun! This week we are reading Getting Lucky by Carolyn Brown. J. Kaye jumped to a lead but I may have caught up this weekend!
    Crystal - I hope you enjoy both books!!
    Joy - I will get the review of It Happened One Night posted sometime this week - I just didn't manage it last week.
    Ruth - that's what happens: something else suffers - like responding to comments on the blog - as I can't get it all done!

  8. Oh - J. Kaye - I didn't mean to ignore you! Thanks so much for doing the Twitter chats with me!


Your comments are always appreciated!