
Monday, December 21, 2009

Mailbox Monday December 21, 2009

This Meme starts with Marcia
at The Printed Page

I had a very good week of getting in books I won plus review books!  I love weeks like that!

I won My Son John by Kathi Macias at 4 the LOVE of BOOKS

Liz Peterson's mother is brutally murdered-and then her son is arrested for the crime, devastating their family to the point that Liz wonders if any of them will be left standing when it's all over. Can God's love and grace reach even to the deepest agony of the soul and bring, if not a meeting of the minds, a meeting of the hearts-and healing to a family torn apart by murder and betrayal?

THANK YOU Ms. Macias and Abi!

Then I recieved FOUR books from visiting a Champagne Books Chat!!
THANK YOU Champagne Books and Tami!

Blade Dancer by K.M Tolen
Science Fiction


When humans introduce advanced 
weapons to her enemies, 
Mikial Haran finds that her first battle 
will be against those she loves most.

Stupid Cupid, A Valentine Anthology by Liz Hunter, Phyllis Campbell and Rayka Mennen

One tipsy Cupid with a wavering aim.Three mismatched couples.
Suspense, conflict, intense attraction &… the magic of true love.
Stir well for three entertaining, sensual love stories. Serve hot with a glass of bubbly.

Dawn of Redemption by Starla Childs
The world has only one hope to survive … and he has fangs.

Bound by Destiny by Rayka Mennen
 Paranormal Contemporary

Kat Ricetti comes from a long line of powerful witches but can she convince the skeptical Jake Taggert that they are destined to be together?


  1. Way to go! Nice stack. :)

  2. We were glad to have you at the chat and so glad that you got such good swag! Hope to see some reviews if you have the chance! :)



Your comments are always appreciated!