
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Giveaway, Review and Interview for Maggie A Savannah Dog

Title:    MAGGIE A Savannah Dog
Author:   Pat Andres 
Genre:   Children 1st-4th grades
Publisher:  Self pub – local
ISBN 0-9703795-0-1
Cost $7.00 from author (plus postage)

Author Website

Rating: 4:25 of 5.0

This is a charming book that tells the real story of a sweet dog!  Maggie gets to go to work with her owner Gwen. She follows Gwen and gets lost and found a couple of times! She gets dressed up, complete with lipstick, for holidays like Halloween and Christmas! She gets to work at a school crossing where the kids of course love her! Maggie has a large vocabulary including the words: tub, Gwen, Li'l 'Un (her kitty friend), car and bye bye!

I interviewed the author, Pat Andres, to learn a little more about Maggie!

M:  Hi Pat! Thanks for taking time to tell us a little more about Maggie’s story!

Pat:  My pleasure! MAGGIE is snoring right here with me.

M:  The book is based on a true dog - What made you decide to write the story?

Pat:  MAGGIE was having adventures and became a local celebrity. Children especially took to her at the school crossing. Gwen said, “Why don’t we write a book, sell it and give the money to animal welfare?” I said, “Okay.” Gwen is the world’s best salesperson and the next thing I knew, she had met a Savannah College of Art & Design student who offered to illustrate free! Then she scared up an angel who donated most of the printing cost. Gwen sold MAGGIE to every small shop she could go to, and I took on the big ones through Parnassus, a distributor.

M:  How did you arrange for the cut illustrations?

Pat:  Jason gave them to me. I gave them to the printer.

M:  I notice from your blog that proceeds go to animal welfare! That is wonderful. Is there a local shelter or other program that you contribute to?

Pat:  Early on, we donated to a feral cat rescue group and to our Humane Society. Now we send only to Save-a-life. They do awesome work without a facility (adoptions are arranged every Saturday at Pet Smart) and with volunteers only. They provide cut-rate spaying certificates, something that is so vital.

M:  Is Maggie still keeping Gwen company?

Pat:  Unhappily, MAGGIE died at the age of 9. At first Gwen said we couldn’t replace her “soul mate” but we had 5,000 books to sell, so we looked around and saw an ad for a 3 month old female Boston Terrier. We bought her from a retired military man who said she was “too much woman” for him. Unhappily, Gwen and MAGGIE II didn’t bond. Gwen plunged into depression and MAGGIE came to live with me. That was 10 years ago. Gwen is back up now.

M:  Where/How can friends buy MAGGIE’s book?

Pat:  Please feel free to give my email (pattyflea2003ATyahooDOTcom) to prospective buyers. MAGGIE has been sent all over the country. Some people find me on Google. My website (soon to be interactive) is The Pencil Pusher ( - This is an ad for editing work.)
Thank you again.

One lucky commenter can win a copy of MAGGIE!


1. Leave a comment telling me the name of a favorite pet!
    Please include your email address, so I can contact you if you win.

2. For an extra entry, become a follower or tell me if you are already a follower.

3. For another entry, blog, facebook, tweet (any of those networks!) about this giveaway and tell me where you did.

4. You may make all entries in a single comment or separate comments. Since I haven't numbered the comments yet I have to put names/entries on a list for numbering anyway, so posting separately doesn't make a difference unless you post at different times so your numbers are not consecutive!

That is three total entries possible.

This contest is open only to residents of US or Canada. (I apologize that I did not have this in the original post so if there is an entry in the first 8 who is out of the country and they win I will honor the postage.)

This contest will close Midnight (Central) on December 19, 2009. The winner will be randomly selected from all entries.


  1. Name of our favorite pet would be Peppie.

    I'm a follower also. Thanks.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  2. My dog Czar.

    I follow.

    simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

  3. Hi Pat and Martha:
    I have had the pleasure of meeting Maggie II, who is cute and smart. I felt honored when she allowed me to pet her.

    To prevent hurt doggy feelings, I have to mention not one, but two favorite dogs: Little Miss, a black Shih Tzu, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Japanese Chin.

  4. My pets names are Lady, Spencer, Mindy Jean & Cosmic Biscuit.
    My favorite being Lady but don't tell the others I don't want to hurt any canine & feline feelings.
    I am a follower too

  5. My dog while I was growing up was Skippy - he was a mutt and not well-trained at all but I loved him.

    I;m already following you.

    melacan at hotmail dot com

  6. My favorite pet name was hannah. She was such a sweet dog.

    I am a follower.

  7. My dog when I was growing up was Tippy. He was such a great dog!

  8. I follow.

  9. A favourite Pet I used to have was Bailey, my dog.
    I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.
    I am a follower of your blog.

  10. My fav pet is my Labradoodle Rocco. He is such a cutie.

    lizzi0915 at aol dot com

  11. My favorite pet is/was Sam our Apricot male toy poodle; the love of my life.

    I am a follower


  12. I am a new follower and I have two favorite pets (as pictured) Schatze and Blue.

  13. My favorite dog is Duchess, my rescued schnoodle. She was in dire straits when we found her, bus t she still acted like royalty. She is a wonderful dog and has helped us foster over 30 kittens for a local pet rescue.

  14. I am a follower.

  15. my favorite pet is Cosmo the cat


  16. My favorite pet is Artie our dog

    anjamie4 at gmail DOT com

  17. I follow on google friend connect

    anjamie4 at gmail DOT com

  18. Our only and favorite pet is Charley. He is a Chocolate Lab.

    Happy Holidays

  19. Baily my orange tabby cat is my favorite pet.

    ellybean (at) connected2christ (dot) com

  20. No need to enter me. Just dropping by to let you know this is posted at Win a Book for you.

  21. When I was a child, my favorite pets were Tiny & April, our Toy poodles.

    Thanks! :0)
    librarygrinch at gmail dot com

  22. My favorite was a wirehaired terrier named Little Girl.


  23. new follower


  24. I'm your 200th follower!! That should be worth an extra entry!! LOL

  25. My favourite pet is Sandy.

  26. My favourite pet was a cat who came to visit and stayed--Frank. What a marvelous guy.

  27. Flame is our current favorite pet (cat) - Groban was our pet dog in Mozambique...

    janemaritz at yahoo dot com

    I'm a new follower!


Your comments are always appreciated!