
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Calling Florida Authors - Join the Literary Road Trip!

Michelle of GalleySmith has organized a Literary Road Trip as a way for bloggers to explore their geographic location and to showcase local authors from the place where they live. Isn't this a great idea and a way to learn more about Florida authors!

If you'd like to participate and see if your state or area is open, or just learn more, visit GalleySmith's Literary Road Trip.

The posts tied to the ongoing event will feature books and interviews by and with local authors, however "local" is defined.  My "local" is Florida so I am looking for Florida Authors so I can feature your books and maybe do an interview or guest blog. 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Road Trip. Having moved from SW Florida back up North almost two years ago now I' know that Randy Wayne Wright is local author from the Sanibel/Ft. Myers area.

    I'm looking forward to your stops. :)


Your comments are always appreciated!