
Saturday, November 14, 2009

A MegaBook Giveaway - Hurry Ends November 15 Midnight.

I guess this has been my week for posting about other giveaways! :)

There is an awesome MegaBook Giveaway with Multiple Winners at
Teens Read and Write!  Easy entry form with extra entries for commenting, twitting, posting etc.
Looks like over thirty books and at least 23 winners!! And it is open to international entries too!!
BUT HURRY - this closes midnight November 15!

[ - Gifs and Animations for your website, free]


  1. So sorry I am just now getting back to you. It's been an insane couple of days. About the read-along, it's too soon for GETTING LUCKY. That won't be published in January, so they don't want us posting reviews/chatting about it so early. I thought you had ONE LUCKY COWBOY. It's by the same author and book two of the Getting Lucky series. That one is publishing this month.

    Can we hold off with GETTING LUCKY until January?

  2. P.S. Thank you so much for removing the word verification!

  3. Hi J. Kaye - later in December or very early January works better for my schedule any way! Whew - won't have to be pushed with another book next week! :)

    It dawned on my last week that since I moderate the comments anyway the word verification was overkill! I am still learning so much about the blogging. Took me a couple hours last week to find a Twitter button. I was surprised not to find them as a gadget at Twitter. And darned if I wasn't just too stubborn to ask for help! Oh No - I had to spend hours looking instead! LOL

  4. Awesome! Then we'll push it back. I rarely ask for help. I play around with something until I figure it out...I enjoy the journey of Most of my time is spent playing anyway. :)


Your comments are always appreciated!