
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Garden Bloom Day November 15, 2009

This meme can be found at May Dreams Gardens.

Although we have had a couple of cool nights (40s) our weather is still mild.  Here are some pics from the garden Saturday morning.

We still have peppers coming!

We think this is a Rose of Sharron - anyone know for sure?  Very pretty blooms each year!


The blooming Saga Palm from our balcony! Note the orange seed pod.

Here is a close up of the seed pod - Can anyone say "Alien"??

Two Christmas Cactus on the front window sill are just starting to bud!

Tiger Lilly wanted to know what I was doing inside at the window!
She wouldn't stay there to let me get a better shot so I had to wait till she sat and posed so prettily!


  1. Oh! Those are seed pods? Our library has those types of plants and I was wondering!

  2. Oh - look at your garden! In Minnesota there is none of that is going on..LOL

    This morning we had frost and I am battling a sinus affection hoping that I am winning that battle but currently we are neck and neck... or should I say throat and nose? :)

  3. Hey J. Kaye - We are getting some shooter plants (split offs from the bottom) but we are not sure we have a male plant to pollinate the female.

    Sheila - Sorry to hear you are getting under the weather! I do not think I would do well up north - I have been in Florida too long and my blood has thinned! :)

  4. MarthaE - Oh, so it's not as simple as just planting the orange bulb?

  5. J.Kaye - Just checked with my DH. He said he thinks that is the seed pod and it WAS pollinated - maybe by a far off plant! So, yes we could and will plant the seeds! (per DH)


Your comments are always appreciated!