
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Would You Like Your Book or Product Reviewed?

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I love to review books and encourage authors. I read varied genres but I do not read erotica. Some of the books I read may have some graphic content and I will usually note that in the review as a content warning.

If you would like a review please e-mail me at mesreadsATgmailDOTcom. I will let you know if the book is one I would read and I will give you an approximate schedule time. The book will appear in my slideshow of current reads and a post of Current reviews. It will also be mentioned in the Monday What are you Reading Meme. 

Whenever possible I like to offer a giveaway with the review and with a giveaway there will be announcements at several other social networks such as Book Blogs and Twitter. Please note that my review will be based solely on my opinion and not a result of friendship or your being willing to allow a giveaway.

I am open to participating in interviews and blog tours.

I am also open to reviewing or hosting a giveaway for other products, preferably book related!

Again, my e-mail is


  1. You're putting out a welcome mat just about the time I am closing up shop, well, sort of. I won't be accepting nearly as many books in 2010 as I did in 2009.

  2. L. Diane - Yes, since some authors had asked I thought I'd post a response.

    J. Kaye - I can understand and I may adjust the number I take after a bit too! I suppose the novelty may wear off!?

  3. I just wanted to thank you for commenting on my new blog but I can't find a way to reach you...I have searched everywhere so this is my only say...thanks so much for your encouraging words...

  4. Patty! Thanks for bringing to my attention that my e-mail is not in this link! I will add it! However - if you look at my banner header - it is there:
    Don't feel badly that you didn't see it. You are not the first and will not be the last! :)
    I'm glad to encourage new and "old" bloggers! It is a great book blogging community!

  5. Do you review E books also?

  6. Wow...I just got a response from 3 years ago?

    I don't even know how this happened!


Your comments are always appreciated!