
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Garden Bloomer's Bloom Day October 15, 2009

This meme can be found at May Dreams Gardens.

Here are some pics from the garden this very morning!

You can see the nice green peppers but the critters that got the tomatoe plants last month are working on stripping these leaves now!

Here is our monster tomatoe plant making a comeback from being completely stripped last month!  It actually has some blooms already!

My DH bought a number of Chrysanthemums for the pool railing about a month ago.  This is the second flowering since we got them. 
Boy do they suck up the water!!

A few weeks ago DH tossed out some "pea" seed I think its called. 
The deer love this and will be in to eat some as long as our little dogs (who think they are big hunters!) don't scare them away!!

These are Bear and Princess, our great hunters,
 after a mad chase in the woods!

I'm wishing everyone a wonderful "blooming" day and October!!
I hope your Halloween is full of TREATS!


  1. Love the pictures!

  2. Thanks J. Kaye. This is a fun once a month meme that lets me show the "green" growing things around my house! (No NOT mold!) I used to have a really good green thumb when I had more time. Not so good anymore! Too much reading and too little watering and weeding DH would say. *sigh*

  3. Cute pics. I have four of my own. The dogs not the greenery. I'm not much of a gardener, but I do have live Ivy plants hanging in almost every room in my house. Hubby hates 'em, but he's been fighting(and losing)that particular battle for many many years.


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