
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Blog Discovery - Not Quite A Book Blog but an Author: Paul Levinson

I came upon a "new to me" blog last week that I didn't include in my Friday Book Bloggers Discoveries Meme because the blog is more a TV blog than a book blog.  The blog is Paul Levinson's Infinte Regress.

I don't watch much TV so that doesn't get me but what was interesting is Paul's new book:

I happen to think the cover is Very Cool!  Even better this book looks very interesting.  Here is the product description listed at Amazon:
YouTube, blogging, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, Second Life and other “new new media” are transforming just about every aspect of our culture from the way we elect Presidents to how we watch television. New New Media details the benefits, opportunities, and dangers of these transformations.
There is a link to a free Chapter on Twitter in Paul's sidebar!

In addition to several nonfiction books, Paul has also published five fiction books including The Plot to Save Socrates.

From Publishers Weekly:

In this light, engaging time-travel yarn, Levinson (The Silk Code) ponders the problem of saving someone who refuses to be saved, in this case Socrates, the Athenian philosopher condemned to death in a shameful moment for democracy. ....
If you visit Paul's blog site - you will see a picture of a man on a ladder in a BIG library! I just LOVE that picture and want to steal it!  I won't of course.... but I want to!  LOL

Thanks Paul for lettimg me tell a little about your works here!


  1. Thig book gotta be the internet era is sort of controlling our choices...

  2. Hi Sumanam! It sure does sound interesting doesn't it! Thanks for stopping by!!


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